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Saturday, October 22, 2016

A Warning For The Vaccinated

Mary Toco is coming up to talk about vaccines and how vaccines relate to cancer. When she was on a extreme health radio show years ago, she said that her research shows that cancer is caused by vaccines. It was powerful.

Her talk is coming up today. Here's the lineup for the rest of today.

The Scientific PROOFS for Homeopathy: What Everyone Needs to Know ~ Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, MD

Diffusing the Cancer Time Bomb with The 7 Essentials System™ ~ Dr. Veronique

Detecting Life-Threatening Disease EARLY: Thermography, Ultrasound & More ~ Dr. Galina Migalko, MD

Nutrition vs. Cancer: Little-Known FACTS That Will Benefit You Now ~ Chris Wark

An Inflammation Nation ~ Dr. Sunil Pai, MD

The 7 Toxicities, 3 Foundations of Health and the Single Most Important Thing in Life ~ Dr. Rashid Buttar

Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights ~ Mary Tocco

Strike the Root: Attacking Cancer STEM Cells with Seed Nutrition

Why Avoiding GMOs and Roundup Residues is FUNDAMENTAL to Your Health ~ Jeffrey Smith

Unlock the Power to Heal: Your Gut Mission ~ Dr. Robert Scott Bell

The Ideal Anti-Cancer Diet -- Mitochondrial Metabolic Therapy ~ Dr. Joe Mercola, DO

Live Event Schedule Page

So if you missed amazing talks like Erin Elizabeth, Dr. Ed Group or others, you can watch them all this weekend without paying a dime.

You can do this 3 ways in order to watch...

* Go direct to the LIVE Streaming Page (still have to fight javascript overlay). Because that javascript overlay is still there, so here are the browser extensions to stop it.


* Or just go direct to YouTube. They stream from YouTube, so it can be viewed there, and no need to be bothered by overlay or browser extensions.

You choose.

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