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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Fat Summit 2, Day 2: Detox, diabetes, sugar and stress!

DAY 2 (November 8, after 10am US eastern)
Today at The Fat Summit 2, our amazing speakers will dig deeper into the topics of detox, the history of diabetes and what truly causes it, how to break sugar addiction and build healthy eating habits, and how an Urban Monk can teach you to deal with stress in a hectic world! You don’t want to miss it!

Register for FREE now at the following link:

Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace:

Dr. Hyman’s first Fat Summit was a major hit–The Fat Summit 2 has 30+ brand NEW interviews during which you’ll discover even more about…
  • Biohacking your biology and weight loss with healthy fats
  • Truths about saturated fat, cholesterol, butter, sugar, carbs and more
  • Review and discussion of the latest articles on fat and weight loss
  • Digestion of fats through supplementation
  • Effects of dietary fat on fertility
  • Importance of community for making/sustaining healthy lifestyle choices
  • How eating more fat complements/combats other dietary approaches
  • Best practices for maintaining your weight and healthy eating habits

The Fat Summit 2 is online and free from November 7-14, 2016!

Register for FREE at the following link today:

Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace:

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Join us as an affiliate for The Fat Summit 2!
  • Educate your community — the most important bonus!
  • Images, sample copy and videos provided
  • 50% commission on each sale generated (you can purchase a summit from your own link, provided you didn't register to watch online from another affiliate, which is why we encourage affiliate registrations.)
  • No cost to register!
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Deanna Minich
Deanna Minich, PhD
Whole Body Detox
  • How toxins change our metabolism
  • Ways to remove fat-stored toxins
  • Top nutrients to prevent fat storage
Gary Taubes
Gary Taubes
The Sobering Truth on Sugar
  • History of diabetes (and what truly causes it!)
  • The real culprits of obesity and disease
  • Fat calories vs. sugar calories
Pedram Shojai
Pedram Shojai, OMD
The Urban Monk Reboot
  • How to deal with daily stressors
  • Maintaining long-term healthy habits
  • How to become an Urban Monk

Carrie Diulus & Mark Hyman
Mark Hyman, MD & Carrie Diulus, MD
Functional Medicine Takes on Diabetes
  • Types of diabetes and their differences/treatments
  • What a diabetic really should be eating
  • The importance of ketones

JJ Virgin
JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFS
Getting Real: The Impact of Sugar, Carbs and Fat
  • Truth about the glycemic index
  • Breaking sugar addiction and building healthy habits
  • The importance of building muscle


Commentary & Thoughts:

If time permits, I may be able to comment after some of the speakers. Lots of stuff going on this week. And also dealing with one of the cats, who needs our undivided attention.

The Trust About Cancer Docu-Series is re-airing for you all, and we're listening to the The Adrenal Reset Summit (sorry, no share link for the Adrenal Reset Summit, since it's a different setup & group sponsoring it). It's a smaller event, and is by audio broadcast only. The link we have is for us specifically. But will try to find one ASAP, and if so, will post it directly. We have TTAC DVDs, so no need for us to watch the online version, so my TTAC posts are for all reading here.

On TTAC: This one is now playing...
Nick K - AGQ Relaunch - Nov2016 - Episode 8

Click here to own the Silver edition

Click here to own the Gold edition

Last year, we entered the contest, by using a contest link, instead of an affiliate link, because I really wanted to own the DVD set. Managed to win the Silver Edition, by posting the contest all over.

And next week, there is another outside of HTO events, summit called Betrayal Series: "The Autoimmune Disease Solution They're Not Telling You"...

So we're trying to get all these published and shared with everyone. So busy busy here. By the time holidays roll around, perhaps we will get a breather.


Deanna Minich, PhD

Whole Body Detox

What You'll Learn -

How toxins change our metabolism
Ways to remove fat-stored toxins
Top nutrients to prevent fat storage

Transcript:  Deanna Minich, PhD (PDF)


Gary Taubes

The Sobering Truth on Sugar

What You'll Learn -

History of diabetes (and what truly causes it!)
The real culprits of obesity and disease
Fat calories vs. sugar calories

Transcript:  Gary Taubes (PDF)


Pedram Shojai, OMD

The Urban Monk Reboot

What You'll Learn -

How to deal with daily stressors
Maintaining long-term healthy habits
How to become an Urban Monk

Transcript:  Pedram Shojai, OMD (PDF)


Mark Hyman, MD & Carrie Diulus, MD

Functional Medicine Takes on Diabetes

What You'll Learn -

Types of diabetes and their differences / treatments
What a diabetic really should be eating
The importance of ketones

Transcript:  Mark Hyman, MD & Carrie Diulus, MD (PDF)  pdf unavailable

But boy oh boy, I did find some other goodies online from Dr. Hyman

Stray Freebies Online:

From this page:

The Fat Summit (First Fat Summit)

Transcript: Interview with Christiane Northrup

Transcript: Interview with Aseem Malhotra, MD

* I cannot find a link to the first fat summit which aired in Jan 2016.  Either this one is a replay, or a an upgraded of the first one, as links I find from the supposed first one redirects to the current one. Weird.

Dr. Mark Hyman: The Secret Fat That Makes You Thin Dr. Mark Hyman


DR. MARK HYMAN Simplifying Weight Loss ... who simply could not lose weight, ... increase body fat even if you eat well and get regular exercise.

Dr Hyman Sugar Solution Diet -

Eat Your Medicine - Dr. Mark Hyman

10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Fat to Get Thin By Dr. Mark Hyman

How to Lose Weight and Improve Blood Sugar by Eating Fat Guest: Dr. Mark Hyman ... Eat Fat Get Thin and how we can apply some of that
* This came from the 2016 Diabetes Summit (links below, if wanting to register, affiliate, or order)
Your link to attendee registration:
Your link to the order page:
Your link to affiliate registration:
Your link to speaker voting:

THE UTION Y X DIET - Get Dr. Mark Hyman’s Free Detox ...

Eat Fat, Get Thin - Dr. Mark Hyman
Eat Fat Get Thin The Surprising Truth About The Fat We Eat-the Key to Sustained Weight Loss and Vibrant Health
Mark Hyman

Dr. Hyman’s Guide to Dieting 101 - 10-Day Detox

10 Plant Based Recipes Hand Picked By The Doctor


JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFS

Getting Real: The Impact of Sugar, Carbs and Fat

What You'll Learn -

Truth about the glycemic index
Breaking sugar addiction and building healthy habits
The importance of building muscle

Transcript:  JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFS (PDF)

JJ Virgin - Fat Loss Summit


Enjoy this week's summits and other series!


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