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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Blogger Updates

And if this in ANY way makes it easier to be traced or tracked, or ANYTHING to do with this Scamdemic, this blog will either be history, private, or abandoned.

In addition to a fresh feel, Blogger is now responsive on the web, making it easier to use on mobile devices. By investing in an improved web platform, it allows the potential for new features in the future.

Yeah, it's this ongoing campaign and catering to smart phones just to keep that going, as an excuse to push 5G and "contact tracing" on us.  I knew it!

Remember what I said about ANYTHING "New and Improved" being code word for we corrupted it.  Or in this case corrupted it more.

I don't have to blog, you know.  And right now who gives a crap about what I post on here.  It's not like I have a 1000 or more subscribers anyway, and NO ONE is heeding the warnings I have put on here for a long time now.

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