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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Communist Compliance Officer sought...

Communist Compliance Officer sought...

And other paid snitches worthless jobs...

Yeah right.  Get rid of all the REAL meaningful needed jobs and offer up a bunch of shit meaningless jobs like communist compliance officers and contact tracing jobs.

Holly Garland
3 hrs

While private businesses across the Oregon remain closed, some permanently, the State is hiring. "In a May 1 press release, Gov. Brown announced her “contact-tracing plan sets a goal of training at least 600 contact tracers” . These contact tracers are not just your garden-variety, off-the-shelf contact tracers, either. The plan has “a focus on recruiting individuals with cultural and linguistic competence for the populations they serve,” which certainly increases their price. The Legislative Fiscal Office uses the figure of $250,000 per biennium as an estimate for the cost of hiring a new employee. That includes salary, benefits, overhead, a computer, a cubicle, a boss, etc., so if you divide the biennial cost by two, that means $125,000 per year. Multiply that times 600 workers and you get a cool $75 million. That doesn’t even count the new Employment Department hires.

300,000 snitches for Communist America to ensure mandatory house arrest for a Deep State dictatorship.


Larry Cook
May 7 at 3:36 PM ·

‪CA Governor Newsom plans to hire 20,000 snitches - AKA “contact tracers” - to “test, trace and isolate.” Welcome to the new normal: a police state. What’s next, 2am removals of dissenters?‬

What do you want to bet that even these contact tracers have to be vaccinated in order to have even that crappy job?

Larry Cook
2 hrs ·

Found this on the APP Store. FLASH FORWARD one year from now. Want to go grocery shopping, enter a restaurant, visit a park or go to a sporting event or concert? You will need to be scanned. This was never about a virus - it's everything about defeating Trump while implementing 24/7/365 surveillance. Misbehavior will result in “quarantine.”

Y'all that ignorant to want to download this?

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