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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Contact Traitor Agents Will Commit Illegal Search and Seizure

Rep. Nino VitaleLike Page
Yesterday at 5:58 AM ·

Contact Tracer Agents Will Commit Illegal Search and Seizure

1 - They will TRACK all phones.
2 - They will FIND YOU and FORCE YOU into isolation.
3 - They will REMOVE YOU or a FAMILY MEMBER from your home.

Do these points seem unreal? Here is the video evidence as said by California, Ohio and Louisiana. After doing considerable research on just ‘how’ they (the Governors and Health Officials along with technology firms) intend to trace us, here is a summary of hours of research condensed into 3 minutes.

The government will hire thousands of contact investigators across the country. Armies of agents.

They will be trained on Apple and Google technology to trace or track people, which is done through the Bluetooth wireless technology on your phone.

These contact agents will get intensive training and isolate every person they find who has COVID and everyone that person has come in contact with, and forcibly isolate all of them for 14 days, even if they don’t have COVID.

The Tracer Agents may determine people will not be able to isolate in their home so the government will remove them from their home and isolate them in government housing.

So, if I am walking down the grocery aisle on Monday, will I get a knock at the door, or a call on Saturday, letting me know that my phone went down the same aisle as someone who has now tested positive for COVID and I have to be put under a forced 14-day quarantine?

And if I only have one bathroom, and the other people in the house do not have COVID, will I be removed from my home with force and taken to a government facility?

What if my house has 2 parents, 4 kids and we live in a 1200 square foot home? Can the government Tracer Agents determine my home is too small and my 8-year-old COVID positive child will have to be removed from the family home?

When did we give permission to track and steal data from our phones to see who we have been in contact with or passed by in the grocery store? When did we vote on allowing ourselves to be forcibly removed from our families and put in government quarantine?

Who is voting for this intrusion? Not me. The health departments and governors are implementing this without the input of any citizens and without the votes of the legislatures.

As a reminder, the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.”

YOU MUST WATCH this 3-minute video of the California Health Official, Ohio Health Director Acton and the Governor of Louisiana.

Ohio Medical Director Amy Acton said we need “disease detectives” who find out EVERYONE you’ve been in contact with and ANYWHERE you’ve gone in the past 14 days. And they reach out to all those people and TELL THEM to quarantine. (Note, she did not say she will ask you quarantine.) Acton said you NEED TO ISOLATE AND QUARANTINE PEOPLE. Acton finished stating, the scope is so big, YOU NEED AN ARMY of Contact Tracers in Ohio and that is the army she has been building.

Louisiana Governor – We will expand Contact Tracers and hire maybe 700 but “I want to assure people; we will get to as many contract tracers as we need to do the work that is essential.”

“Apple and Google are HOPING to protect user privacy while speeding up the app development process for public health authorities.” Note the word HOPING. (Expected launch is May 2020)

Restore The Republic. End Medical Tryanny.

People in this country better wake up and realize what is happening before it is too late.

Your rights are being stripped at every turn in the name of safety. Do you care?


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