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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Send this NOTICE of NON-CONSENT to say NO to the "Big Brother" bill (HR 6666) and preserve YOUR RIGHTS!

On May 1, 2020, 45 congress members co-sponsored Bill HR 6666, proposing to spend $100 BILLION dollars in 2020 to hire contact tracers, coronavirus testers, & reporting agents. If passed, this would create an unprecedented new mega-industry for what appears to be a type of "medical martial law"

Proponents of this bill apparently want to hire a massive number of staff to enforce "social distancing", administer tests in our homes — apparently whether we consent or not — and apparently even grant themselves the right to take people who "test positive" from their homes!

The full name of this bill HR 6666 — yes, that's the actual bill number — is the "COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act". As many of you know, what is referred to as "contact tracing" is more aptly called total Big Brother surveillance.

Ventura, California recently announced their own draconian measure threatening to forcibly test and remove people from their homes if "necessary"... though they subsequently backtracked probably due to the massive pushback.

However, as of May 6, the State of California has started to mail this letter addressed to "participants in state assistance benefits" saying "COVID-19 testing is declared mandatory for all members of your household receiving assistance."

It is COMPLETELY UNJUST to shut down the economy, make a majority of Americans dependent on government, then force them to be tested with a test that isn't even accurate!...



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