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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Serrapeptase and Protease Enzymes

Serrapeptase will also eat up excess proteins, as stated below in addition to the protease, I've been posting about.  Known about these for YEARS now.

Kelly Wood
May 5 at 11:18 AM ·

(Not selling just sharing: I wanted to share a few meme's in comments to help explain the enzymes that have helped me heal. They have been a big topic of conversation and I thought it would help everyone put it into perspective. Here are a few enzymatic facts, according to my practitioners observations. Trust me- you want what she makes in your arsenal! In very simple terms...

“Pathogens, including viruses, have an outer coating, or “skin” that is made of protein. This is what it uses to evade our immune system. The protein surface omits its own enzymes that either our immunity doesn’t recognize or it looks right over it. CrysaLynn™ Serrapeptase 250,000 SPU may assist you with this.

Plant cell walls are primarily made up of mainly cellulose, which consists of small fragments of hemicellulose glued together. The inside of the plant cells consists of protein. So, common sense would tell us that if we take an enzymatic blend of what breaks each of these down, it may be best. What enzymes may break down the cell wall? Cellulase and Hemicellulase. Then by mixing in some Serrapeptase, you have something to go after the inner proteins or nucleus. This is my Candida Solutions™ blend.

Higher dosing of enzymes, of course, and obviously, you MUST workup, as many have had a Herxheimer reaction. They have to go through digestion, where many are lost. This is why I decided to make an oral spray. I have experienced the amazing sublingual benefits, and strength myself. The two would also be a powerful combo.

One must realize, mine is pure, without any fillers. There is only 1 company that I know of that claims that but they charge nearly 70 for them. In general, I price mine well below that and when you are getting them at 30 percent off, you are paying 1/2 price, compared to most others. I have also noticed that some companies are diluting their enzymes up to 27,000 percent. You can tell how diluted some enzymes are, especially Serrapeptase because enzyme companies don’t normally make them under 80,000 SPU, so, if your bottle says 20,000 SPU, you can almost guarantee that only ¼ of that is enzymes. The fillers they use are sometimes a substance that the enzymes break down, rendering them useless. If you have Cellulase and Hemicellulase is a plant-based mixture, you can probably bet on the enzymatic activity is low, but the plant material would be broken down and more bioavailable, but this is about using enzymes for enzymes, not taking enzymes with dismantled plants.

Side note, I was working with enzymes that break down carbohydrates. My formulas were exploding upon adding the enzymes, making me wonder what they do inside the gut? So I looked further into it and had some customers do a trial on that pure enzyme. Census said that they may not be good when dealing with fungal infections. What happens when you digest carbohydrates? They may break down into sugars. Understanding that may help you to understand that when you take enzymes that break down carbohydrates and/or sugars, what may be happening is you are giving your blood an immediate rush of sugar. Immediately the sugars are broken down and absorbed by the bloodstream.

While enzymes can be used as food digestors as well, depending on how you use them. For assistance with breaking down of protein, Serrapeptase can be taken 15 minutes before food. With the assistance with plant foods, the same applies to cellulase and hemicellulase. By taking an enzyme away from food, or under the tongue, you can force them to go further into the blood, which is for blood cleansing.

After seeing how the sugar and carbohydrate dismantling enzymes work, I no longer work with them, I stick with the plant and protein-based. Enzymes that may react with sugars in this way, and to keep an eye out with anything else you buy, would be Amylase, Xylanase, Glucose oxidase, maltase,

Please understand again, enzymes that break down starches/sugars/carbohydrates can cause a sugar rush into your blood”
#SHOPLOCAL #BuySome #GiveBacktoThoseInNeed

CrysaLynn™ Serrapeptase:

Candida Solutions™: Cellulase, Hemicellulase, & Serrapeptase;

30 percent coupon code: "timeofneed30"


Some of the description snippets about this product below. Remember all this time what I've been saying about all this Cellulose in everything? And Tony Pantallereso has also been posting about in his posts, podcasts and videos?...

Candida Solutions™: Cellulase, Hemicellulase, & Serrapeptase;

This product focuses on cellulose dissolution, although it may have capabilities to dismantle many kinds of substances.

Plant cell walls are made up of cellulose and hemicellulose, as they may be the main components of the “glue” that holds it, and its biofilms together. The inner nucleus is made up of protein. They have a single cell that grows into a “root”, like a tooth, and allows it to stand up and stay in place, although it creates enzymes that degrade the tissue to do so. It uses this root to also feed as plant roots do! This root is called hyphae and it may puncture tissues and linings, which is how we get “leaky gut” and “leaky brain”.

Plant cell cellulose may be dismantled by the enzymes because they are designed by Mother Nature to do just that.

And Cellulose and Cellulase are TWO different things, although they sound similar.  It ends is "ase", then it means Enzymes!

Right now, we've been taking the Arthur Andrew Medical brand of serrapeptase called Serratia.  We empty it out of the celluose capsule and put in a gelatin capsule.  We get the size 0 empty capsules from PureBulk.


And also remember what I've posted about the Protease too....

I've known about this for some times.   Years, in fact.
See:  Proteases and Viruses (PDF) for info
Note:  The above article is from archived site, so that company's products have more than likely changed (for the worst), and discontinued.  Nature's Sunshine has a good clean protease proteolytic enzyme.

And Dr. William Wong's article Fighting Viruses and Winning.

Those proteolytic enzymes do a number on the all-important exterior protein coating of the virus. They eat it! Remember the virus is active as long as it's coating is in tact. What happens when a virus cannot complete and Isoprin bond? Well, simply it becomes inert - harmless!

Protease eats up the protein covering (a virus's armor), thereby taking down the virus's defense.

Are y'all getting this yet?!


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