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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Plan for "Mandatory" Vaccines For All

Larry Cook
12 hrs ·

Definitely the plan



"Mandatory" will likely not look mandatory.

Per Blake Bauer in Reopen America-

I’d like you all to begin thinking about something and talking with your family about it and that is this:

It is very easy to sit here and say I will not comply with a mandatory vaccine, but when the rubber meets the road, will you have the fortitude?

When your employer says you have to take the vaccine to work here and you’ve got a mortgage payment that are already 3 months past due, will you comply?

When your child’s school says that for he or she to attend, he or she must be vaccinated, will you comply?

When the DMV says that only covid vaccinated people can renew their driver’s license to drive a vehicle, will you comply?

You’ve been waiting desperately for that vacation but only those who are vaccinated can fly on commercial airlines, will you comply?

The only way you can go to your favorite NFL team’s games are if you have received the covid vaccine, I ask again.. will you comply?

You see, likely you won’t be MANDATED to take the vaccine. That way they skate around having to test it against what is constitutional in a court.

No, instead they will put pressure on all other areas of your life until you say damnit I can’t take it anymore, I just want things to be “normal” again. And when that happens, They win.

Start thinking about it.

How will you handle this? What are you willing to sacrifice in your own life to return to “normal”?

The time for choosing will be upon us all soon.

What’ll it be—liberty or tyranny?

(Copied from a friend)

Not this family! Go ๐Ÿ–• yourselves! #justsaying

Let's see...


Work from home and online, and have been for years. And have some good bartering skills from years of various classes, trainings, etc...

I personally have no current driver's license. When the other state's license was expiring, the former state had sent a renewal form to renew it, even though I was no longer in that state. Small print said... By renewing, you are registering for the draft, blah blah blah...
OH HELL NO!!!  So no more CONtracts with govt entities for me.
Hubby's has just been renewed, so he has a little longer, before it expires.

I can ride a bike, and used to as a young adult to get groceries, etc... Most of my adult life, I never had a car, even though I had a license then. And even when I did have cars, I still rode a bike.

All children are grown, but they would be homeschooled if they were still little.

We do not fly, nor support the airlines.

We both hate sports.  I like working out and dancing and can do that at home.

In our area, fresh food can be bartered for locally, when push comes to shove. Apple orchards nearby, and they share with others too.  We have local friends who look out for us, and us for all of them. Most have gardens, and some know canning.

Chiropractic and ABC can be bartered with locally.

Skills to learn...

Maybe more ABC seminars/training

Fascia blast others in exchange for something else.

Learn to knit and crochet (make hats, scarves, etc...)

Learn to make necklaces and chokers, bracelets, etc...  A LOT of mine are hand made by others, and look real nice too.

Update printers and do resumes, etc... for others and for less, and/or exchange.  Used to do that a long time ago.

On a post I did a few years ago about planting berry bushes on property and make sure neighbors had some.  DONE (partially).  Be on good rapport with them, if possible.
Love thy neighbor as thyself
Matthew 22:39
“And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
King James Version (KJV)
You can take turns with hauling off each other's trash, plowing the driveway, etc...

And much more we can do.


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