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Wednesday, June 10, 2020


From Larry Cook...

Larry Cook
2 hrs ·

The following message from David Sanders is an alert message on the subject of ANTIFA….

They reportedly run a thoroughly planned and professionally executed military/terrorist operation that, from what I understand runs something like this:

They send in “scouts” to check out potential targets very closely, often on bicycles or skateboards.

Once they select their targets, they do recruiting locally and bring protesters/rioters in from surrounding communities in white vans and bring in leaders/agitators from other areas and states. This includes Craigslist ads offering $25/hour for “protesters” plus free medical care, bail money, etc. (I’ve seen copies of the ad) loudly bragging about how they’re going to burn this town down in restaurants, bars, etc. They troll for the bottom-feeders and thrill seekers and people who want to profit from the looting.

They organize their supply dumps of bricks, empty bottles and even some bottles filled with gasoline, etc. around the target they intend to strike.

They infiltrate the protest and then once they approach their target, take over a peaceful protest using thugs with backpacks full of rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, crowbars, hammers, bats, and implements of destruction.

Their scouts keep them continually informed using cell phones and texting of where the police are located, which targets are “soft” and easy to smash/burn/loot and which are “hard” and to be avoided.

Once too much opposition is massed, they break into roving bands, doing as much destruction as possible, initially in the black community, but because they’ve been criticized for this, they have lately moved into hitting the white communities around, esp. upscale ones selected as “soft” targets by their scouts.

They have electronic Wi-Fi jamming gear to knock out any alarm systems so they can avoid being seen by most alarm system cameras, etc. They break into cars and take money and guns, leaving everything else alone.

They are now hitting rural areas to give people the idea that “nobody anywhere is safe”. This has not worked as well as planned, as country boys don’t like that. It’s just where governments have made it illegal for them to defend themselves that they succeed. One report I read indicated they’d stayed in an Idaho area for 4 days looking for soft targets and then left having found none.

Here's what I recommend you do.

Get alert, stay alert, esp. for any part of the pattern described above.

Report the data to your Neighborhood Watch or key neighbors/friends.

Get the “Signal” app and start using it to communicate among ourselves. It is encrypted.

Up your home security to the next level. If you are wealthy, you are at greater risk and you may want to employ or have on standby (or get your condo building to employ) guards capable of dealing with this type of attack until this gets under control.

Launch the Neighborhood Watch program in your area. Our greatest weapon against these threats is being very alert and making sure they have been seen by as many people as possible. Having communication among neighbors is not just desirable, at this point it has become vital.

Do what you can to help create a better community for all of us to enjoy as we come through this.


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