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Friday, June 12, 2020

The Daily Messenger: Colorado Bill Requires "Re-Education" For Parents Who Refuse The COVID-19 Vaccine

The Daily Messenger: Colorado Bill Requires "Re-Education" For Parents Who Refuse The COVID-19 Vaccine: And if your brain washing and tissue of lies doesn't take hold? Do we go to a different prison?...


First of all, fathers and mothers MUST educate themselves on the dangers of vaccines, if they have no idea about the dangers.

And for those who do know STILL need educate themselves that doctors (particularly pediatricians) are forcing the vaccines during these "well checkups".

So I'll say this again...

Many parents are now wising up and avoiding these lamestream baby killers. Pediatricians are now reporting parents to CPS for refusing vaccines. So people are saving themselves the heartache and drama by canceling the appointments and/or never going to them in the first place.

Why? Because enough is ENOUGH!

Well baby checkups are voluntary and have never been mandated by law. Parents are free to go to any naturopath, if the need arises and if their baby happens to come down sick.

The 2020 Initiative for all pediatricians is to have FULLY vaccinated patients for their bonuses. It's called the Combo 10 Bonus.  See Dr. Sherri Tenpenny describe it here in this snippet from The Truth About Vaccines docu-series...

So the best way to avoid all this insanity is to quit using lamestream doctors to begin with. Use a naturopath and/or good chiropractor instead. There are many. People must search them out, as the good doctors are out there.

There are NO LAWS on the books anywhere that says parents have to use a mainstream clinic, doctor, pediatrician, or even go to a well baby checkups. That is an indoctrination (Mind Control) that has been bought, lock-stock-and-barrel. It's also for insurance company planning (a way to get your child into the EHR system and tracked for life from cradle to grave). There are many good naturopathic doctors out there. It's time to stop supporting mainstream, and start supporting the holistic and alternative. They'll get the message once everyone wakes up and start boycotting these places. Want to stop this corrupt beast system? Then starve the damn beast!


Education on the vaccine dangers is a must, for those who have yet to learn.

Avoid doctors.  Use a naturopath and/or chiropractor

Have children at home with a midwife and if possible AVOID having birth certificates. to avoid signing children over the nanny state. What doesn't exist on paper (registration) usually can't be regulated.

And for those who are whining about not having ID for their children to attend school, etc... STOP worrying about it!  A birth affidavit is sufficient.  But nowadays, it's better to keep ALL children out of the The Public Fool system anyway.

And for those who complain about their children not getting social interaction, there are cousins, neighborhood kids, etc... even without school.  We had plenty of other children we grew up with and played with in the neighborhood, and sometimes enjoyed our cousins when they visited.

Larry Cook
11 hrs ·

Necessary prep work for False Flag school shootings to outlaw guns. Remember, unlike good people, these sickos plan ahead. Always #KnowThePlan

You see?  We are in the end times and probably the great tribulation anyway. And what future is there for all of our children given the times we are in?  Teach them at home and teach real survival skills, and about things that matter and LOVE them.  Teach them about the true history of earth and Our Father, and let them learn reading by reading The Word.

I remember being that little girl in the waiting room at the hospital reading the Psalms in the Bible, memorizing them, and the series of books called The Bible Story.  We had the book series at home too.

Anyway, growing up, we always enjoyed the books.

Protect, love and teach the children well.  Times are rough right now, and they need to be protected, loved, and nurtured.


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