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Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Daily Messenger: Something Strange is Happening to our Phones: They Can See You But You Can’t See Them

The Daily Messenger: Something Strange is Happening to our Phones: They Can See You But You Can’t See Them



Dump all your smart phones and other trackable devices. That is, if you value your life and the lives of your family and loved ones.

If I can survive 62 years without one, then so can anyone else. There are NO LONGER ANY EXCUSES whatsoever. We're talking about people's lives in danger now. They WILL GESTAPO people out of their homes never to be seen again. I have told this to others who all have one and are addicted to them. There are NO cell phones, iPads, smart phones allowed on our property whatsoever. Want to visit us? Then they have leave them behind or just do without ever seeing us. It's sad, but we're okay with that.

And here's another thing, okay?...

Let's say, you do have a smart phone, etc... and what if you DO leave it at home? What if someone else has an app on THEIR phone and comes to see you, and then WHOOPSIE, you've been traced in your own home.

Or even if you have a phone but forbid other peoples' phones coming into your home, what if someone or a neighbor merely walks outside nearby the room the phone is kept in? WHOOPSIE! YOU'VE BEEN TRACED! Whoops! Most people never thought that one scenario out either.

And then driving on the street, freeway, etc... in your cars... Or even parked in your cars with the windows up. And what about the car next to you also parked and someone on their phone?!... BIG WHOOPSIE!!! Let's say you have someone walking, running, or biking approximately 6 ft from the couch and the bed. Also the mailman or Amazon leaving a package on the porch would ping the app....or someone knocking on the front door even if you didn’t answer...

Also there will be certain people who may have it in for you who would leave and come up to your home just to ping your app so you couldn’t go to work etc...

And... if you live in a 5 story building everyone above and below you everyone that drives or walks below you in the parking garage will ping you.... plus potentially 6ft outside your own walls if you were next to one of your walls so it would be almost impossible to live in a 5 story apartment with a parking garage under and a walk way on the other side of where they sit or sleep to not be pinged on the app and forced to quarantine for 14 days. We are talking a good percentage of the US population being pinged without leaving home and nearly everyone if you dared to leave home. So this seems like a trick to require nearly the entire population to stay home.

Can ANYONE see how TERRIBLY WRONG this can go?!

MESS IT UP and UNDERMINE their program.  I mean REALLY MESS IT UP....

Here's an example right here.  And many other ways one can undermine it.  Someone posted that they gave out a treasonous politician's #.  HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

That also goes for those SAFEWAY CLUB CARDS too.  Those are ACORN project, also trackable as in track purchases when you buy groceries.

Saw a page where someone was going out in a rubber suit or something.  I suppose they can't be contact traced either.  I can see cosplay making a HUGE appearance as being normal in the streets now.  There will be masks, but not all surgical masks.

Wanna mandate masks?  Well, here you go....

CONtact Traitor this Kitty!

TROLL the SHIT out of this program!  Now where's that Cat woman costume?

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