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Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Karen Meme

Because we've been hearing and seeing all this Karen talk, so we had to look it up.

"Karen" is a pejorative term for a woman perceived to be self-entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is considered appropriate or necessary, especially in public settings such as retail stores and restaurants.








Karens are also CONtact Traitors...

'Contact Tracing' Jobs Create Terrifying Army of Karens

From Jim Stone Freelance...

Here is a video that proves you are going to need it to avoid being "contact traced" - which could easily destroy your life

Oh gosh, look at the woman who's a snitch in that video. Look familiar?

NPC with the Karen haircut


From Jim Stone Freelance...







Karens are those bossy neighborhood snitches, you know the ones we grew up with.  Those tattling bratty kind.  The gossiping busybodies with nothing better to do than to make your life miserable.

And I need to speak with my family members who several have these ugly haircuts too.


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