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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Turkish National Television - Adrenochrome - English Translation

Wow! This is being discussed on TV?

There are better ways to take care of skin and keep it looking good WITHOUT harming innocents, you know.

Like lasering with a CO2 pro-fractional laser like a Cyanosure SmartSkin, MiXto, ActiveFX, Fraxel:repair, etc...

And nutrition like...
Vitamins, colloidal minerals:
Copper, zinc, Vitamin C, organic sulfur crystals, liquid chlorophyll,
essential amino acids like L-Theanine, L-Arginine, Lysine.

This combo right before bed, for example...

200mg L-Theanine w/10mg melatonin
50mg Magnesium
15mg Zinc
1200mg Arginine
1200mg Lysine
combined 1 hour before bed

And there's keeping the facial structure intact with regular cranial adjustments like NCR, facial pulling, palate expansion w/various appliances.  Plus facial exercises ala Carole Maggio Facercise.

An example of using a DNA Appliance of improving the facial structure.  There are others called ALF appliances, Biobloc, and Myomunchie.

See?  ALL of this can be done WITHOUT harming innocent children and souls, and all of this is more cost efficient.  Much better and more natural results too, than awful plastic surgery.

Why do these people have to do everything in the most destructive and difficult ways?

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