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Friday, July 24, 2020

CONtact Traitors in Cleveland, Ohio

CONtact Traitors Caught on Camera.  Bahahaha! 

All is needed now are their names and phone numbers.

Stephanie Stock

Well look who just showed up on my front door! (Cleveland area) ...Department of Health “volunteers”. 😒
Hard PASS on your “free Covid 19 testing”.
She saw me looking out the window. 👀
They were typing away on their handhelds, probably writing.... “person was in the residence taking our photo but refused to come to the door despite us waiting several minutes”... 🙄
Thats right ODH, #IRefuse2BeTestedAndTracked .
I wonder if I was specifically selected? I noticed they didn’t “visit” any of my neighbors before leaving. 🤔
Will you open your door?







Lisa Carpenter Knapp 1200 houses chosen at random and yours happened to be one??🤦🏼‍♀️ You know the tests are probably contaminated with covid, just for you. "She was skeptical of the data, and then she died." 😅 Just waiting for the knock at my door lol.

Anne Temple You know they will be contacting you shortly to tell you that your test was positive.

Lanbertini LeeAnne Smart not answering the door they might bring ankle bracelets next time

April Krell What if they were just trying to warn you that you may have been exposed? Maybe someone you was around gave them your info to contact trace the ppl they may have infected? You are free to do what you want this is a free country. But how can you assume that's what they wanted when they didn't go to any of your neighbors? I mean it's a possibility

Chandra Frost Wow! Oh he!? NO!!!! I refuse to be a fake statistic. This is very scary. Too far over the line. Be careful!

Carina Elle Yep, don't answer the door. 
Sorry folks, still cannot enter without a warrant and reasonable cause.

Shelly Bean Covid Karens are out in full force.

Cheryl Beyer Wolterman You need to put up a sign private property no trespassing

Stephanie Stock There is one of them with their mask dangling off their ear for re-use at the next potentially positive person’s door. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ #Covid19Logic

Iris B Martinez I hope they knock on my door that I have my two dogs ready waiting for them, both without leashes. 😂

Sandi Marcus Holy moly! You’re probably on their “target list” now! What in he world is going on in Ohio? 🤯🤬😱🥴😰

Jennifer Willison So is the state sending people out to people's houses and roaming residential neighborhoods and apartment complexes while we are all at work with middle schoolers and high school kids home alone and many babysitting younger siblings because there are very little childcare options...meanwhile child abduction and human trafficking and child pornography has escalated to an epic level...this is wreckless behavior by the state of Ohio...anyone could put on a t-shirt and carry a clipboard and knock on your door while you run to the grocery store, where they have discouraged you from taking your kids, or are at work. They don't need to be doing home tests...this is really weird behavior.

Stephanie Stock Jennifer Willison Yeah Considering the photo that Ohio State university used today I have some pretty grave concerns!! Notice Ohio State university is partnering with ODH on this initiative! 👀

Got their pics, now get their names, and phone #'s if possible. Making a list of ALL known CONtact Traitors to share. The program can be undermined.


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