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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Face Mask Exemption Card

A little help from Ann Barnhardt:

and the fines imposed by the DOJ have increased since June 19th. For first offense it’s $96,384 and for subsequent violations it’s $192,768. See

This is optimized for business card size, and the grey lines on the four borders are hand-cutting guidelines.  If you can, print these on heavier card stock, or even better, LAMINATE!!

1) Right click the image, then left click “Copy Image.”

2) Paste the image into a blank word processing document such as in Word Pad or Word.

3) Hold the shift key while clicking and moving a corner of the image will resize the image.  Holding the shift key preserves the horizontal and vertical proportions when resizing.

4) A margin bar at the top of the document page shows units in inches.  Use this built-in ruler to set the width of the card image on the page to 3.5 inches. The vertical dimension of the card will automatically go to 2 inches when resize is done with the shift key held down.

5) Print document.

6) Cut out printed card.


This is not about protecting us.  This is about tyranny, controlling us and seeing how far they can push us and sees who will comply.  This is not about a virus, it's about pushing that Bill Gates vaccine.

For California.. Other states look for your laws concerning this. These can also be printed out on cards too, front and back..

THIS is when it's okay to be a "Karen".

Reverse Side.
See?  THIS is what I mean about tyranny and control.

And some of these guys are willing to help in their states if anyone is arrested and fined.

For Florida Residents.


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