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Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Daily Messenger: David Dees...RIP

The Daily Messenger: David Dees...RIP: I just found out about Dave's death, this art warrior for truth.  Dave Dees, RIP Dave Mcgowan RIP stop taking our friends away! ...


Yes, agree.  Stop taking our friends away!  RIP my friend.

Was unaware of Dave McGowan, but aware of David Dees.  Used alot of his art memes, etc... in various posts.  David Dees was connected to us on social media.

And he LOVES cats.  He has a group called Flat Earth Cats.  He liked the pics of our cats that I would share with him.

Some pics of his cats and other cat pics collected...





And he loved making memes from his cats and other cats too.



And he was also flat earth aware,..


And also aware of the Giant trees and the remaining tree stumps left behind by them.

Ancient Tree Stump.

Looks like this tree stump is trying to sprout again.  I would love to see all the tall trees restored.  Imagine how that would all look.  And ALL that oxygen.  And if the atmospheric pressure was returned like it was in the Pre-Flood era.  Maybe during the 1000-year reign, we'll have it.  That would be so awesome!


"photo circa ten years ago when I was pretty, and dying my hair with red wine" ~David Dees

He will be sorely missed.  Have really enjoyed his art and funny memes.


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