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Friday, August 28, 2020

πŸ™ R.I.P. Oracle πŸ™

πŸ™πŸ™ R.I.P. Oracle  πŸ™πŸ™

Another piece of my heart.  Gone...

I really really really REALLY LOVE This Boy SOOOOOO Much!
I always look at them and tell them (Oracle, Breezy, and even Miracle) to their faces I LOVE THEM!
Y'all have NO idea HOW MUCH I just love Oracle!!!

Between 3:30 AM and before 5 AM, Oracle passed away.  Shortly before that, around 3 PM he was fine.  Him and Breezy playing, and the last time I petted him and loving on him as I always do.  He was fine, his usual self.

An hour later hubby went downstairs to the bathroom, he found Oracle on the floor dead.

He was outside the litter box lying on his side with drool out of his mouth. When Robert came back up here to the computer room to tell me, I let out a big scream. Crying my eyes out here.

We have no idea what happened.

My husband thinks maybe he had choked. An hour before, he was fine. Totally fine. I was just downstairs an hour before, and him and Breezy was chasing and playing around like they always do. Maybe only an hour before. Just fine.

This is one of the many reasons I have never liked surprises.

He was just right outside the litter box. I thought maybe he tried to come out of the litter box too fast and perhaps tripped up and hit his head on the floor. Like when they go to the bathroom, and then hurry up and run out the litter box real fast like Speedy Gonzales.

Because I saw Breezy trip up trying to run out of the box. They just recently got a fancy new litter box and it's a tad taller. The other was too shallow and they were making a right mess there.

And Breezy was looking for him.  He saw him on the floor. Poor baby.

But the drool is what makes Robert think he maybe choked trying to throw up. Bless his beautiful precious heart. I really really really REALLY love that cat. Another piece of my heart is gone.  Smashed to itty bitty pieces, right now.

Oracle, you were the best and most lovable cat ever!!!
I mean THE BEST Gift & Cat ever!!

There just is no joy right now and the world is just too sad anymore.

Joy is GONE.

I haven't even been to bed yet. Just can't sleep. Sick to my stomach and it's all in knots.


And before my husband went to sleep we both did our usual prayers, some scripture reading, praying, warfare prayers, etc...  And we prayed extra protection over Breezy.  Could y'all perhaps pray extra protection over Breezy too please?  We'd appreciate it so very much.

Here's some more precious & cute pics of him.

He LOVED wallowing all over us, hugging, and laying on our laps, chest and shoulders.

THIS is what he always did as soon as we walk in the door.
A LOVABLE Greeting. EVERY time.
A REAL hug, sometimes with one paw around each side of my neck.
Which he did just hours earlier yesterday.

Just so lovable!  This first pic below.  The FIRST day he was here.

That first day, I fell in LOVE IMMEDIATELY.  I knew he was gonna be a HUGE loverboy!

Miracle was never this affectionate.  Breezy is more affectionate, but Oracle is the most affectional cat I've ever seen in my life.  I've never seen a boy cat that was super loveable and wanted to be held.  A LOT.  And Oracle would jump straight up from the floor into our arms.  And would not let us put him on the floor.  LOVED being held.  And I had a better connection to Oracle than I ever did with Miracle.  But Miracle was and IS still very much loved and missed.  This is just so hard on me.  My hubby took Miracle's passing much harder than Oracle, because he was more attached to Miracle.  Because we had Miracle for 12 years.  Oracle's passing is affecting me more, because it was such a sudden shock and surprise.  A bad one.  When hubby came back upstairs and told me, I screamed loud. Like a little kid screaming a hissy fit.  Nope, never liked surprises at all.

Okay, this next pic Oracle was in hubby's arms and climbed onto his shoulders.  He wanted me to make a meme out of that pic, so this is what resulted as a meme.

Made him look like a real bad ass.

This was the last video I had made of Oracle and Breezy together.  They LOVED cleaning and licking one another, as you can see.


Another time I captured some sweet pics of these two.  Made a nice graphic of it.

Breezy & Oracle being all cute and lovable.
Such great blessings in our lives. As was Miracle too.
And special gifts from Dad too, of course. We give thanks for each one of them.

1 Thessalonians 5:18
King James Bible
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

But just so sad.
