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Friday, August 7, 2020

Tapeworm drug heading into coronavirus human trials, company says

Silicon Valley-based biotech start-up ANA Therapeutics announced Tuesday that the Food and Drug Administration approved its application for tapeworm drug niclosamide as a potential treatment in COVID-19 and will soon begin human clinical trials.

Tapeworm drug heading into coronavirus human trials, company says
Silicon Valley-based biotech start-up ANA Therapeutics announced Tuesday that the Food and Drug Administration approved its application for tapeworm drug niclosamide as a potential treatment in COVID-19 and will soon begin human clinical trials.


Interesting Discussion below.  You always learn more in the comments section.

Jimmy Pittacus oh wow...niclosamide is awesome stuff...wish i had some more

Cate Qui Jimmy Pittacus I emailed these researchers my theory about the round worms today 😆

Jimmy Pittacus Cate Qui what was the specific again? it escapes me right now, not enough sleep..

Cate Qui Jimmy Pittacus in a nutshell that the virus is actually an exosome of of a round worm nematode - maybe Strongyloide Stercoralis

Jimmy Pittacus Cate Qui YES!!! I AGREE! only I would add that because of the vaccines we have had since childhood, we also have foreign exosomes in us, which are mostly patented. They were chosen for the VERO line because they were cancerous...go figure...

Cate Qui Jimmy Pittacus completely agree! All vaccines are contaminated!

Jimmy Pittacus Cate Qui vaccines are high-level alien tech, I'm sure we dont even know yet half of what they do to us...

Cate Qui Jimmy Pittacus this is what I sent them:

I’m writing to you because I suspect that the COVID19 virus is actually an exosome of a nematode roundworm- perhaps Strongyloide Stercoralis or C Elgans. I realised very early on in this crisis that the underlying factor was the individual’s immune system and the health of their microbiome. I started researching parasites that were common to bats, pangolins and humans and I discovered that the nematode clade of Strongyloide was common to them all. I started researching Strongyloide Stercoralis and I was blown away by how similar the clinical presentation of Strongyloide Stercoralis Hyperinfection is with COVID19. It mirrors the clinical presentation exactly.

I have continued researching this in my own capacity and I came across a paper explaining how Coronaviruses, in general, replicate when they come in contact with a protein associated with the nematode c elgans. Further research leads me to see that TMPRSS2 is a critical enzyme in the replication of Covid19.

In a nutshell, I think all viruses are adapted to support the life cycle of another species. I think they actually function to support the complex process of parasitism in a host. In the case of Strongyloides Stercoralis, a microscopic nematode, its eggs, larvea and mature worms are continuously secreting exosomes and other substances to manipulate the host. As you would know, many parasitic nematodes harness the ACE2 receptors of mammals, for their own survival. I hope that you can investigate this further as I am an individual who is not attached to any organization. To be specific, I am a stay at home mum looking after my three children. I have a special interest in respiratory health because one of my children has Cystic Fibrosis. I’ve posted lots of interesting research papers on Facebook. You can find me there:

I actually believe that all respiratory viruses have a parasitic connection and that this knowledge will ultimately transform our understanding, and treatment of respiratory diseases.

I also believe that underlying nematode infections are responsible for most chronic autoimmune diseases in the West, including cancer. It is extremely fascinating that a range of antiparasitic medicines is being repurposed as cancer drugs.

Another factor of interest is the 2019/2020 Northern Hemisphere Influenza Vaccine which was cell-based cultured, rather than egg-based cultured. The announcement of the four influenza strains was delayed by the WHO in February 2019. The announcement was not made until the end of March 2019. The delay reduced the time available to culture the Northern Hemisphere vaccines and they were subsequently cultured by Seqirus, in mammalian cells. In fact, Seqirus were the first to market with their vaccine in the US. Therefore, there is also a risk that the vaccines were inadvertently contaminated with nematodes. In the case of C Elgans, a very common nematode used for medical research, this may be have been overlooked as a potential risk, as they are not usually considered pathogenic. However, it is possible that the Northern Hemisphere Vaccine was an integral factor in the initial spread of the infection.

Furthermore, I would like to highlight that the places associated with high levels of COVID19 are those with a heightened risk for parasitic and/or preexisting tropical disease:

- abattoirs (high risk for parasitic infection due to exposure to raw meats)

- aged care (high risk for parasitic infection due to immune-compromised status of elderly, increased risk of infection to health workers)

- towers ; high risk for parasitic and/or neglected tropical diseases because of refugees from tropical and subtropical countries; shared facilities)

I hope you investigate this as it may be an important health strategy to consider public deworming strategies.

Lastly, if it is not clear, the virus depends on host machinery for replication. That host machinery involves the renin-angiotensin system of the host and protein enzymes scientifically linked to nematodes within the host’s microbiome.

Yours sincerely...

Cate Qui Jimmy Pittacus I’ve specifically made a connection with nematodes however all parasites suppress the immune system so this may certainly be a factor to. Anyone who is in dysbiosis is vulnerable. The sicker we are, the more parasites we have 🙁

Jimmy Pittacus Cate Qui Niclosamide was discovered in the Bayer chemotherapy research laboratories in 1953. It was originally developed as a molluscicide to kill snails, an intermediate host of schistosomiasis, and was marketed as Bayluscide in 1959 [1]. In 1960, scientists at Bayer found it to be effective against human tapeworm (cestoda) infection, and it was marketed as Yomesan for human use in 1962 [1], [2]----------------By killing snails, Flukes are a cinch because that is really what they are, sea snails but in the body, so their shells become vestigial not being needed in our ocean.

Jimmy Pittacus Yes, I agree, our cleanroom Terrain when natural before industrialism has all been turned into Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom! :D you may have no idea what i am talking about, a show when i was a kid..

Jimmy Pittacus Cate Qui we may not want to get all into how the fungus has all of the DNA of the other parasites and uses them as part of itself to devour the available food...there is still a lot we dont specifically know...

Jimmy Pittacus Steve Beddingfield said it is the amoeba morphology of the fungus that is getting things started in us...after our terrains are plowed.

Jimmy Pittacus the fungus is in our exosomes too...but what is the order they appear? our subconscious can't really tell because all is the same backward and forwards,,, and I just picked a mostly white scab off my back from a slight burn...all fungus.

Cate Qui The drug that treats Strongyloide Stercoralis is Ivermectin!!

Di M Salvo Cate Qui yep and they were talking of using it in beginning. It died down real quick. Moxi works better than iver, IMO.

Terri Engel Di M Salvo ..moxi?

Di M Salvo Terri Engel Moxidectin, once a month - every 2 weeks for some. Saved my life!

Di M Salvo It does same thing kills the babies (larva).

Cate Qui Di M Salvo I think many doctors overlook the impact of parasites on health- hopefully things will start to change and people will be treated for these underlying infections that cause so much trouble!

Di M Salvo Dr’s will be passé is my hope, healers in their place.

Moxidectin - Wikipedia
Moxidectin is an anthelmintic drug used in animals to prevent or control parasitic worms (), such as heartworm and intestinal worms, in dogs, cats, horses, cattle and sheep.Moxidectin kills some of the most common internal and external parasites by selectively binding to a parasite's glutamate-gated chloride ion channels.These channels are vital to the function of invertebrate nerve and muscle ...

You see? We all are always trying to clean all this unwanted crap from our bodies. Sometimes with great success, and sometimes with great difficulty.

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