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Sunday, August 16, 2020

THIS is why we keep our cats indoors

Lisa D'Entremont
May 19

A friend of mine sent me this picture from his game camera. He said Renee ( his cat ) came home with cuts all over her bum/back and was acting really weird and wouldn't go out anymore and when he checked his game camera he knew why. Cindy is now a indoor cat.🙏


Breezy won't even try to go outside.  Oracle did once, but we got him back in immediately.  There is  HUGE eagle nesting in a tall tree in front of our house, so these cats are staying inside.  We saw a baby bear close by when leaving the house too.  So kitties are indoor kitties only.  We keep the curtains to the side windows open, so they can see outside.  Plus the bedroom curtains are open, so they have that view too.


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