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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News ... Thoughts ?

Even Erin Elizabeth is concerned, as she should be.  We ALL are.

Apparently he and Q Team do NOT read out blogs.  And most of Trump supporters ARE ANTI-VAX, btw.  Q has said they have it all, and/or know everything.  

Do they?!



A FAR cry from this...



Soooooooo WTF HAPPENED?!

Maybe he wants to lose the re-election?  He is going to lose supporters.  We have supported him from the very start.

NO ONE in government has our backs.  It high time we accept that as fact.

There is MORE than enough evidence on here, this blog, The Daily Messenger Blog, Juicing and Raw Foods Sunboy blog, and Vaccination Liberation ( and many other sites that prove vaccine dangers.

Dear POTUS, Q Team and pals.  Please shut up about the vaccines!  NO ONE with a working brain wants them.

We all have said NO from the beginning.  NO VACCINES!!

You all best listen to all of Dad's messengers.  We're not doing this for fun, you know.

Release the REAL CURES.  You know like Loren Zanier tech, med beds, etc... And stop suppression of these.

And also STOP the chemtrail spraying.

Well, we're in the Tribulation, so what else can you expect from the govt.?  That fact alone is why we're overly cautious here.  And then again, the Bible does say Trust No Man.  So there you go!


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