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Monday, November 30, 2020

A letter from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

A letter from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

To all of my patients: I would like to urgently draw your attention to the important issues related to the upcoming Covid-19 vaccination for the first time in the history of vaccination. The so-called vaccines of the last generation of mRNA intervene directly in the patient's genetic material and thus change the individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, which was something that was Even if the media and politicians downplayed the problem and foolishly called for a new type of vaccine, this vaccination was a problem in terms of health, morals, and in terms of the genetic damage it caused. It causes it and cannot be fixed.

Dear patients, after the unprecedented mRNA vaccine, you will not be able to treat the symptoms of the vaccine in a complementary way. You will have to live with the consequences because it is no longer possible to treat you by removing toxins from the body such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, hereditary heart failure, hemophilia, cystic and Rett syndrome because the genetic defect It will be forever!

I mean, if the symptoms of vaccination appear after the mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any therapist can help you because the damage caused by the vaccination will be genetically irreversible, and in my opinion this new vaccine represents a crime against humanity that has never been committed in this way in history, as Dr. Wolfgang Wudarge, an experienced physician: In fact, this vaccine should be banned because it is genetic manipulation.

The vaccine, developed and approved by Anthony Fauci with funding from Bill Gates, uses experimental mRNA technology. Three out of 15 human guinea pigs - 20% - have been exposed to a serious adverse event.

Messenger RNA is the RNA that transmits the genetic code of the DNA of the cell nucleus to the ribosome in the cytoplasm i.e. which determines the order in which the amino acids of a protein attach and act as the template or pattern for the synthesis of this protein.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Covid vaccine is irreparable genetic damage and a crime against humanity.

Is the virus present?
Yes, like many other viruses.

Does it have a cure?
Yes, if you use the right medications, and don't leave your health in the hands of corrupt, commercial health systems.

Are there good doctors?
Yes, and they are many, some of them act discreetly and give appropriate treatments, and some are more daring, and there are many videos in the networks talking about these treatments, and many of them have been threatened, excluded or silenced.

Are scientists investigating?
Yes, and there is a world union calling for more doctors and scientists who are called doctors and scientists for the sake of truth, to expose the falsity of the wrong treatment they provided.

Is it a pandemic?
No, the World Health Organization changed the term referring to pandemic before releasing the bugs in order to stem the epidemic.

Is it harmful?
Yes, like all flu.

If I contract the virus, does that mean that I will die?
No, if you have symptoms, all you have to do is take the right medication from the first day, strengthen the immune system, take anti-inflammatories and anti-influenza, and treat yourself at home.

Can it be prevented?
Yes, to be as clean as it should be, to maintain a high immune system, treatment with ozone and chlorine dioxide, with the preventive protocol.

Is the number of infected and dead due to a specific virus?
No, in the United States it was discovered that any data will in fact be 10% of this number, because the causes of death were other diseases, and the tests are not reliable, as they give false results.

Are they realistic cases?
A person has many microorganisms and viruses in the body, and this does not mean that you are sick or infected with the virus, yet the viruses that are assumed to be highly aggressive show some symptoms in patients (fever, headache, vomiting, etc.), and according to Koch's theory the answer is : No.

Is the virus created?
Yes, in the lab.

For what purpose?
To be a pretext for restricting freedoms, and for changing the current economic system into blind obedience, a blind herd more oppressive and enslaved.

Are many countries part of this harmful plan?

Shall we get rid of this?
Yes, and everyone who contributed to the death and the plan will fall, and they will pay the price for what they did.

Should I be scared?
No, fear lowers your immune system and puts you under mental control.

What should I do?
Protect yourself, and if you get sick you already know how to heal yourself at home, or with your trusted doctor who will not adhere to an abandonment protocol.

Should I be vaccinated?
No, if you are in good health, the vaccines bring chemicals, heavy metals and a series of microbes that will affect your health more in the medium and long term, physically and mentally, it is your body and it is your right to decide that, and about your physical and mental health Do you trust a virus vaccine that was created to exterminate Humanity?

Is this a war?
Yes, and we will win, we need to stay together, wake up others, and give a lot of information


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