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Thursday, November 26, 2020



This isn't science fiction, but science fact. Don't scoff, do your homework. Every one of us needs to know this because ALL of us will soon be faced with a choice that means either way you go, your choice will alter your life. Literally. It is a FACT that the CV vaccine is an mRNA -DNA altering vaccine. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?? You really, really NEED to.

The following is not propaganda, it is published fact, medical fact and it is coming as part of the "Operation Warp Speed" vaccine agenda. No matter who ends up in the Oval Office, this vaccine agenda is coming VERY soon.

The “Human 2.0 CV vaccine” is designed to transcend biology (ours) into technology, to blend human biology *with technology and artificial intelligence. Right now, we're standing at the literal crossroads of trans-humanism, thanks to the fast approaching release of one or more mRNA CV-19 vaccines which are designed to instruct your cells to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. RNA is the coding material that your body uses. It does this through a process called trans-fection, which is also used to create genetically engineered organisms aka GMOs. Transfection can have either temporary OR permanent effects on the genome, and it is unclear how the vaccines may affect the human genome long-term. Did you know that the lead company making this "vaccine", MODERNA, has NEVER created a vaccine before? WHY? Because the company is a ROBOTICS business. However, *this vaccine combines bio-tech with robo-tech. Hydrogel nanobots IN the vaccine.

In 2019, researchers discovered the 2009 swine flu vaccine Pandemrix caused narcolepsy by affecting a non-coding RNA gene that regulates the production of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein that plays an important role in neuronal survival. If a conventional vaccine can have genetic effects, the risk of *mRNA vaccines producing genetic effects is bound to be even greater. The CV19 vaccines currently being fast-tracked are NOT conventional vaccines. Their design is aimed at literally changing human biology, your DNA.

The mass vaccination of the entire US population (328 million) is soon to be underway according to 4-star General Gustave Perna, assigned by Trump to lead this project. The mRNA CV19 vaccine will be the first of its kind. No mRNA vaccine has EVER been licensed before. And, there has been no animal safety testing. NONE. In addition, companies producing the vaccine are immune to lawsuits that might otherwise result due to vaccine injury, which by the way, is true of ALL vaccines and always has been.

Moderna co-founder Derrick Rossi, a Harvard researcher, successfully reprogrammed stem cells using modified RNA (mRNA), thus changing the function of stem cells. Moderna was founded on the concept of being able to modify human biological function through genetic engineering. So, do YOU want to be included in this Frankensicence experiment? Or your children?

All mRNA vaccines have potential safety issues, including inflammation and stimulation of autoimmune problems, as well as edema and blood clots and who knows what else? Systemic inflammation and auto-reactive autoimmune illnesses are NOT insignificant concerns! In fact, these dangers are in large part why **ALL** previous attempts to create coronavirus vaccines failed

Failed CV vaccines in the past have been 100% incapable of preventing infection. What this translates to and results in is this: The CV "immunization" theory presented and promoted sounds okay until you get the disease (*because the vaccines do NOT work), and *then it makes the disease far worse. In one past coronavirus vaccine trial using ferrets, ALL the vaccinated animals died when exposed to the actual virus.

According to Dr. Carrie Madej, animal studies have also found the type of mRNA technology introduced with this vaccine can increase the risk of cancer - like many other vaccines have.

What You Need to Know About the Delivery System:

How is this mRNA vaccine is going to be administered? Rather than a conventional injection, the vaccine will be administered using a micro-needle system. Not only can it be mass produced quickly, but it can also be administered by anyone. It’s as simple at attaching an adhesive bandage to your arm. The adhesive side of the bandage has rows of tiny needles and a hydrogel base that contains the LUCIFERASE enzyme. The microneedles puncture the skin, delivering the mRNA "vaccine" into the nucleus of your cells. This results in synthetic genes, WHICH can be patented. If this process ends up creating permanent changes in the human genome, will humans then be patentable? Patents have owners, and owners have patent *rights.

There is a LOT more involved in all this than a sickness that thus far includes this reality: 99% of those that have had this "illness" are alive. There is a larger, MUCH larger agenda underneath the propaganda. You'd have to be informationally starved not to know this. And, most Americans are! Vaccine manufacturer$ have stated that these vaccines wont alter our DNA, our genome. Dr. Madej says, “I say that is not true, because we use this process to make a genetically modified organisms, so, why would it not do the same thing to a human?" Why would they say this? C'mon, the answer is easy: $$$$$$$$$.

Another part of the delivery system that raises its own set of questions is the use of the enzyme LUCIFERASE, which has bio-luminescent qualities. While invisible under normal conditions, using a cellphone app or special device, you will be able to see a glowing vaccination MARK. As described in the journal RSC Advances7 in 2015, Luciferase gene-loaded quantum dots “can efficiently deliver genes into cells.”

The hydrogel, meanwhile, is a DARPA (military agency) invention that involves nanotechnology and nanobots. This “bio-electronic interface” is part of how the vaccination MARK will be able to connect to smartphones, providing information about blood sugar, heart rate and other biological data. “It has the potential to see almost anything that goes on in your body,” Madej says. This will have immediate ramifications for our privacy, yet no one has yet addressed WHERE this information will be going. Who will collect and have access to all this data? Who will be responsible for protecting it? How will it be used? Also, if your cellphone can *receive information from your body, what information can *your body receive from who knows where? Could transmissions affect you? Your behavior and physical function? Thought life, memories?"

If the changes that happen to humans end up being permanent, the chance of long-term side effects is much greater. In a worst-case scenario, whatever changes occur could be generational because of changed DNA. This vaccine could turn into a worldwide tragedy, the likes of which we’ve never experienced before. We should not be quick to dismiss the idea that these vaccines may cause permanent genetic changes, because we now have proof that even conventional vaccines have the ability to do that, and *they don’t involve the insertion of synthetic RNA.

It seems blatantly foolish NOT to assume there will be significant consequences that follow this "vaccine". The 1976 swine flu vaccine hoax provides a lesson in that the long history of ma$$ vaccination campaigns causes far more harm than good. Do you want to be educated and make informed choices or end up as a sad statistic? You better choose VERY soon IF and how you plan to reject this government mandated "program". Like right now.


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