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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Know anyone suffering from “COVID fatigue?”

Know anyone suffering from “COVID fatigue?”

From Life Enthusiast

Martin here,

There’s a weird phenomenon I’ve been noticing among some people close to me — everyone seems to be a little more fatigued this year than they normally are. My guess is from the pandemic, the lockdowns, and the complete upheaval of our regular lives.

On the lighter end, maybe this means sleeping in an extra 20 minutes or so. On the other end, this could mean suffering from a lack of motivation and energy so big that you can't accomplish anything productive.

I’ve been hearing whispers about this from people I know personally and people I follow online. What’s funny is that I’ve been hearing this from people who haven’t even caught the virus.

When I searched online for this, I saw a bunch of articles talking about “COVID fatigue” — or the general feeling of fatigue many of us are experiencing from the stress and uncertainty of the pandemic.

And whether you — or anyone you know — is suffering from this, I wanted to give you a few practical steps to try to cope with it better and restore your energy levels.

First, I have to mention exercise.

And whether your gyms are closed or your body is too tired for exercise, trying to squeeze in even 20 minutes per day of light walking will go a long way at improving your energy. It sounds counterintuitive, but it works.

The second thing you can do is practice mindfulness and other trelaxation techniques. This could include yoga, deep breathing, or meditation and if you have not tried, I bet you can find a how-to guide on YouTube. I find a great lift from remembering and naming three things I am grateful for every day.

The third thing you can do is get a good maca root supplement such as MacaPro XP.

Maca is an ancient Peruvian plant that has several benefits to combat “COVID fatigue” including: 1. Gives you energy and stamina — both physically and mentally

Maca is perhaps one of the most effective natural supplements for boosting your energy levels. Mostly because it provides hormonal balance (which directly impacts your energy levels).

2. Reduces your stress levels

Maca is loaded with adaptogens which are an important staple in stress regulation.

Adaptogens support our natural stress regulation by naturally bringing our nervous system back from fight-or-flight to rest-repair-and-digest mode, which is a state where we can heal.

Without entering rest-repair-and-digest mode, our wounds, damaged cells or tissues cannot heal. And, your body becomes less apt at digesting and absorbing nutrients — which can create a load of health problems.

And it’s worth noting that maca is sometimes referred to as Peruvian Ginseng or Natural Viagra because of its libido-boosting properties and effectiveness in reducing the impact of menopause in women.

(But maca doesn’t work like Viagra — meaning, it’s not “forcing” the issue. Instead, it helps you deal with the stressors that may be inhibiting you without actually affecting your hormones.)

By handling our stress better, we will feel more energetic, both mentally and physically. 3. Keeps your mind and body sharp

NASA gives astronauts maca in their supplement stack they take into space because it can positively affect overall physical health. And it helps to keep the mind and reflexes sharp during physically and mentally demanding missions.

4. Strengthens your immune system

There are a ton of important nutrients inside the maca root — including vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, and others that keep your immune system healthy.

If you exercise, practice mindfulness, and take a maca supplement every day, I have no doubt that you’ll boost your energy levels to a much more enjoyable nlevel.

Anyway, if you’re interested in MacaPro XP, there are three different varieties:

1. 18:1 Black maca will have more energy-boosting properties than purple or mixed maca.

2. 20:1 Purple maca will have more relaxing and soothing properties than black or mixed maca. Purple is more geared towards coping with stress.

3. 25:1 Mixed Black and Purple, 50/50, making it the best of both worlds, pushing more resolve, but calmly. it will have both relaxing and soothing and intense energy properties.

You can order each of these available options using the link below:

Just pick which kind you want in the menu on the right hand side of the screen. Or reply to this email or give me a call at 866-543-3388 if you need any help.



We also love Elijah Free's brand of Maca too. Earth Friend Maca

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