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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

About Some Of These: New Alternative Social Media?... WARNING!!!!

About All These: New Alternative Social Media?... WARNING!!!!:

From the admin/owner of the new AnonUp "alternative twitter" platform...

And it's something I ALREADY KNEW was a bad idea, and even said so on here and elsewhere.

THIS is exactly WHY I refused to do Parler. I don't have smart phone anyway.  But I had a REAL BAD feeling about this all the same with all this data mining I have been bitching about


I made the Rumble account, but as I said in last post, that I flat out refuse to give ANY phone numbers to ANY social media.  So my Rumble is an empty profile, because it will never be verified. It's also why the reason I refused to do Parler too. I had no idea with Rumble at first because they never asked for it up front. It was ONLY AFTER I wanted to comment and upload a video, did I find out, and I'm like NOPE!

Telegram also asks for a cell phone number up front to have a profile, so I will be skipping that one too. Click the link below this picture and check it out CLOSELY.  They GAVE the NAMES out of individuals using Parler!  Besides the phone numbers, I KNEW I was hesitant about signing up for that one for a very good reason.

Click out for FULL sized pic.

So these sites may be no censoring, but look what else was given up in order to participate on them. I KNEW from the beginning when Parler tried that shit that there was something sketchy about the whole thing. KNEW it!  Told my hubby I was very uneasy about the whole thing. I was like I Told Ya.

You give out phone # to use a site?  You got doxxed. You see? They KNEW people who were banned, censored on mainstream social media would be FLOCKING to these sites. And they took FULL advantage of that. Keep an eye out for this and look for that to be happening a lot more now and in the future.

And here's something else about Parler...

So if Parler does come back, y'all sure you want to get back on there?

And even earlier today, my hubby was trying to find out why his  debit car got declined, and the man on the other end started asking all these questions about me, DOB, etc... and I said, NO WAY are you giving out ANY INFO on me.  He finally told him that I declined to give info and was able to get it sorted out. That important sentence, that must be said is... "I Decline Your Offer of CONtract". At first my hubby got irritated at me, and I said, I have the right to keep my info private, and as far as they're concerned I do not exist. And the kicker on that one, that my name was never put on that account when it was opened. They have NO BUSINESS even asking about me. When I put on my "about me" info that I'm a pain in the ass, that is no kidding.  So WATCH out for all these data miners.

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