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Friday, January 15, 2021

More Vaccine Warnings

More Warnings of SEVERE CV-Vax Adverse Reactions...

I found out about these from Jim Stone Freelance, and downloaded the video from the twit posts.

The first lady with a bad vaccine reaction, and it got worse (two videos)

Video 1:


Video 2 (She got worse):


A Different Woman With SAME Adverse Reaction:



Y'all will either heed our warnings from here, other bloggers and from other websites (, or keep on with your name calling, gaslighting, and just suffer the consequences of your bad decisions.

And I am in no way being mean, but just stating the facts about these deadly vaccines. Because eventually these blogs (cloud hosted sites), hosted sites, etc... will all eventually go down because the attacks on websites and cloud hosted services. UNLESS Jim Stone's warnings about cloud services like these, Cloudflare, HTTPS, and more are heeded.  I did a separate post about those cloud sites and their "middle men gatekeepers".

So grab the vaccine info while you can and download any documents linked to and/or uploaded. Because we do NOT have the $$$$ to pull off what Jim Stone Freelance has done to secure his site.  His subscribers continually donate to him every day.  We do NOT have that luxury.  ONLY TWO out of my 20 subscribers here has ever sent us any monetary support & more than once. Those two, whom I love very much and are thankful for them.

To save stuff here... Go to any online web to pdf service, put the URL of post in and convert to PDF. You can PDF any of my lengthy posts, which has vital information, fyi.


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