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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Our Take On What We Think Covid Really Is

There appears to be a bacterial componet of covid. It’s possible to change your life for the better, so you can live longer

This fact may explain why Italy was able to help their covid patients when they gave them aspirin and antibiotics. So covid may also have a bacterial component too. Interesting to note that the related drugs heparin and enoxaparin are used to treat the coagulation caused by covid-19.

Several hundred of us believe that three is NO actual virus, but rather exosomes and other contributing factors. Seems like there are several factors and components contributing to covid. Maybe no virus after all, but more like exosomes turning parasitic from environmental influences, such as radiation (WiFi, 4G, 5G, microwave towers, xrays, etc...). EMF (and toxins) create dead tissue in our bodies and triggers exosomes to become parasites...this has been hidden from from us for a very good reason. Then our existing toxicities from heavy metals, environmental chemicals (chemtrails, toxic processed food and hygiene products), on TOP of existing parasitosis. Parasites will proliferate when exposed to dangerous radiation. So when Ivermectin enters into the treatment plan, that explains why it works for covid.

See FLCCC for more info on that.

The FLCCC Alliance press conference with Dr. Joseph Varon and Dr. Paul Marik:

And then the HCQ which works, because perhaps maybe there is a malarial componet to covid. It was suggested at a health seminar years ago that viruses are byproducts of parasites or some link to parasites.

HCQ and Ivermectin are zinc ionophores. HCQ + Zinc. Take vit D, vit A and vit C.

PRESS RELEASE | January 15, 2021 NIH Revises Treatment Guidelines for Ivermectin for the Treatment of COVID-19 Ivermectin is Now a Therapeutic Option for Doctors & Prescribers NEW YORK, N.Y. — JANUARY 15, 2021

In the USA, the FDA (Freaking Death Association), declares Ivermectin is not for human use. But over the border in Mexico, Ivermectin is sold over the counter for human use. Anyone trust the FDA or CDC? No, we know they lie, because they are CORPORATIONS listed on Dun and Bradstreet, so therefore their "recommendations" are influenced by the fiscal health of their CORPORATIONS.

Getting the picture yet?

Ivermectin and Artemisinin

Believe it artemisinin tea stops covid in this finding.

Now, researchers at Columbia University in New York, the University of Washington, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute have demonstrated that hot-water leaf A. annua extracts based on artemisinin, total flavonoids, or dry leaf mass show antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2.

“This is the first report of anti-SARS-CoV-2 efficacy of hot water extracts of a wide variety of cultivars of A. annua sourced from four continents,” says Pamela Weathers and colleagues.

Ivermectin and Artemisinin

Every fast food restaurant serves soda. If they offered artemisinin tea we would be done with covid over night.

Finally, it has also been seen that Artemisia annua, the molecule artemisinin, and its derivatives, synergically act as a stimulator of the immune and anti-inflammatory system (Luo, et al., 2019; Sun, et al., 2019; Zhang, et al., 2019).

Furthermore, its antiviral properties have been described for various types of viruses (Hahn et al., 2018; D’Alessandro et al., 2020; Ou et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2020) including other types of coronaviruses such as MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV (Nature Plants, March 2020).

You can find Ivermectin at most animal feed stores and also Amazon or eBay

Lugols iodine and IV Vitamin C is also the successful treatment for sepsis. That's why the medical mafia is trying to ban IV Vitamin C.

"No parasite that kills its host before it matures and releases eggs can Exist on this planet or any other very long.
…unless they are developing from exosomes...triggered by massive poisoning of the host."
~Jimmy Pitticus (The Iodine Guy)

And... vaccines introduce "foreign exosomes" into our body, which also explains that cytokine storm from massive inflammation. Btw, serrapeptase takes care of that inflammation problem. Along with tumeric and many other natural anti-inflammatories.

That Iron and Oxygen Starvation Problem...

Now for that iron oxidation problem, which also happens in Lyme & Morgellons... You see NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) takes care of that. See this attached screenshot.
See: Morgellon's: This is what is happening with your blood.

Same thing with covid... See: Endogenous deficiency of glutathione as the most likely cause of serious manifestations and death from novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19): a hypothesis based on literature data and own observations...

NAC is a precursor to glutathione, btw. Plus takes care of that iron and oxygen starvation problem. We use NAC from PureBulk, since it's clean and comes in safer gelatin capsules. And Serrapeptase from Arthur Andrew Medical to thin the blood naturally.

Budesonide inhaler helps with breathing along with the protocol of Ivermectin, HCQ, zinc, azthromicin, etc... For serious cases, a script for Mepro may be needed.

This can be bought over the counter from your drugstore.

Microwaves interact violently with metals...iron is a metal, microwaves probably interact with iron in the body, making it non-organic, depleting it from the serum. Iron deposits that are non-bioavailable develop in the body. All these "microwave towers" that are everywhere now? This starts making more sense. See: Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation on Human Ferritin: An In Vitro Enzymun Assay
Yes, there's that iron problem again. See how ALL of this is interconnected?

- 5G, and other microwave are EMF
- EMF can be used alone or together with other EMF
- EMF can carry information
- DNA/RNA have a certain frequency signature
- Water (body/live water) can store this info (memory of water, see Pr Montagnier's work, Nobel Prize medicine)
- If you know the frequency you can trigger the creation of these DNA sequences
- Consequence: a chosen frequency can activate the formation of a chosen sequence - base, molecule, DNA sequence so-called viruses are made of DNA
- Wuhan, Italy hot spot ...etc. were the first zone of active 5g
- Princess cruise have several 5g antenna (see Medallion 5g satellite system)


Seems to be looking less like a virus and more like an exosome dysfunction as time goes by. We also must detox the heavy metals, and detox the radiation out too. Virologists have also admitted they cannot separate exosomes from viruses. Think of injected viruses (exosomes), as programs to do something (severe damage) in the case of vaccines. A "virus" or exosome is a PROGRAM.

"In a nutshell what if the "virus" is actually an exosome of of a round worm nematode - maybe Strongyloide Stercoralis?" ~Jimmy Piticcus
Look up Steve Beddingfield regarding the various types of parasites. He has the most interesting microscopic pictures. And is the one who came up with the F.I.R.M. Protocol for Morgellons, Lyme, and Mold. This is why we take the Fenbendazole, Iodine, Red Reishi, and Magnesium Oxide, as part of Steve's F.I.R.M. protocol.

Also See Jim O'Kelly's site Shots of Truth, where the definition of a "virus" is poison.

What we Call a Virus is Really a Poison:

Our existing exosomes get poisoned by electromagnetic radiation, 5G, etc..., mutate into parasitic programs and other "foreign" exosomes get "injected" via vaccinations. A deadly recipe brewing, is it?

Deliberate Trickery and the Ultimate Gaslighting:

"Here is one example of how the trick may play out. A toxin creates a disease. The toxin might be pesticides, industrial pollution, chemtrails, vaccines and/or wireless technology radiation. The toxin damages millions of people and their communities. Companies or their insurance provider may be liable for civil or criminal violations. A virus is blamed. A “cure” is found in a “vaccine.” The pesticide or other toxic exposure is halted just as the vaccine is introduced, and presto, the sickness goes away. The vaccine is declared a success, and the inventor is declared a hero. A potential financial catastrophe has been converted to a profit, including for investors and pension funds. As a portfolio strategist, I admit it has been a brilliant trick and likely has protected the insurance industry from the bankrupting losses it would experience if it had to fairly compensate the people and families destroyed."

Some people who get so called "Morgellons" got it RIGHT AFTER being around an area sprayed with glyphosate or atrazine for weed killing. Covid sounds more and more like morgellons and GMO lyme disease.

Look up the symptoms of radiation poisoning, covid, etc... and see how some have the same sets of similar symptoms.


Here’s another medical research paper...
Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Radiation Injury

Source: Ministry of Health of Russia.
Russia has postmortem dissected Covid-19 patient, great discovery has been made.
Russia is the first country in the world to dissect Covid-19 corpses, and after a thorough investigation, it was determined that Covid-does NOT exist AS A VIRUS.
It is a GLOBAL scam. People die of '' extended electromagnetic radiation (poison) ".
Doctors in Russia are violating the World Health Organization (WHO) law that does not allow autopsies of people with Covid-19. died.
After a period of scientific discovery, it cannot be assumed that it is a virus, but rather bacteria that cause death and lead to the formation of blood clots in the veins and nerves, from which the patient dies because of these bacteria.
Russia defeated the virus and said '' there is nothing else but a coagulation of the blood vessels (thrombosis) and the treatment method is intact ".
Antibiotic tablets
Anti-inflammatory and taking anticoagulants (aspirin).
It means that the disease can be cured, this sensational message for the world was prepared by Russian doctors through the autopsy (carcass) of the Covid-19 virus. According to other Russian scientists, ventilators and intensive care units (UCI) were never used. Protocols for this have already been published in Russia. CHINA already knew this but never published its report.
Share this information with your family, neighbors, friends, friends, co-workers so that they can get out of the fear of Covid-19 and understand that it is not a virus but simply bacteria exposed to 5 G rays are.
The cause is to hurt people with very low immunity. This radiation also causes inflammation and hypoxia. Those who are victims should take Aprin-100 mg and Apronicot or Paracetamol 650 mg.
Because Covid-19 has been shown to cause blood clotting, lead to thrombosis in people and why blood clots in the veins and therefore the brain, heart and lungs cannot oxygenate, which makes it difficult for people to breathe and people die quickly with lack of lack of breathing energy.
Doctors in Russia did not listen to the WHO protocol and dissected the corpses on Covid-19 corpses.
Doctors opened arms, legs, and other parts of the body, and after being properly tested, noticed that blood vessels and veins filled with clots that normally prevented blood flow, as well as reducing the flow of oxygen in the body, causing the patient to die
After the news of this study, the Ministry of Health of Russia changed the Covid-19 treatment protocol and gave aspirin-100 mg to its positive patients and started giving the Empromak.
As a result, the patients began to recover and their health began to improve.
Russia's Ministry of Health discharged and sent home more than 14,000 patients in one day.

So the course of action is to avoid vaccines, detox heavy metals, detox radiation, avoid dangerous environmental poisons (herbacides, pesticides, chemtrails (if possible), amalgam fillings, GMO foods, etc...), lessen the parasitic load with Ivermectin, fenbendazole, Prazi, anti-parasitic herbs, foods. Take antibiotics, including natural antibiotics, and make sure we take our daily vitamins, colloidal minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids (cod liver oil, black seed oil, hemp, etc...). And natural inflammation fighters of serrapeptase and other proteolytic enzymes, turmeric, curcumin, etc... And alkaline diet is a must.

This all makes sakes sense to me.

In conclusion, this is in no way denying the existence of Covid, because people are coming down sick with "something". I have several family members who were real sick. They tested positive, but then again, the tests are most often inaccurate. The reason most of us are calling it a PLANdemic / SCAMdemic, because we all think and KNOW it's different and something other than what THEY (The LYING CDC, WHO, FDA, and other bought and paid for alphabet soup agencies) are telling us, because they have their 5G and towers network, and especially their"Mark of the Beast" vaccine agenda, with the accompanying "Great Reset" aka The Beast System ready to go. Plus this was never about a virus. It was about stealing the election, so they can get on with this beast agenda. Keeping people at home to encourage mail in votes, and we ALL see how well that turned out, eh? And I'm not going to sit here and argue about it either. People think I have sat here on my ass doing nothing, when I have been researching EVERY LITTLE thing and putting this all together in one big puzzle.

Plandemic Movie:


Resources and list of things to take and used for all of this...

 1.  HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) IF you can get a doctor to prescribe and IF you can find a pharmacy to fill the prescription. See Zelenko Protocol:

 2.  Ivermectin & Fenbendazole (In the US, Invermectin is the horse paste by Equimax or Durvet. See video in prior post on measuring and dosage for weight. Fenbendazole we get from Caroline's The Happy Healing Health Store. Ivermectin, you can get from your local animal supply store. Indicated for horses.

 3.  Lugol's iodine and SSKI (from Jimmy Pitticus eBay store)

 4.  Nutribiotics Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)

 5.  IV Vitamin C

 6.  Vitamin D3 We also use Carlsen brand Cod Liver Oil and Ghee for our D3.

 7.  Vintage Sunlamps and infrared lighting

 8.  Vitamins A and E. (We use Youngevity's Tangy Tangerine)

 9.  Budesonide nasal spray (available in drug stores and pharmacies.) Helps with easier breathing.

10. Ozone Machines and Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber therapy
* Ozone machines are banned in California. Get a family member to order and have them to personally ship it.

11. UV Lights (suggested by Jack Willwakeu) Trump also mentioned something about the UV intravenous to clean the blood. See: Vollara Air & Surface Compact Air Purifiers with Hydroxyl Technology

12. Artemisinin tea (works with Ivermectin)

13. NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) PureBulk NAC

14. Cryptolepis (Cryptolepis sanguinolenta)....Traditionally used to treat malaria in Africa, Cryptolepis also demonstrates systemic antibacterial properties and antiprotozoal properties. Cryptolepis has also been found to have anti-inflammatory (blocks COX2 and inflammatory cytokines) and anticancer properties. Provides antimicrobial activity against Babesia.

15. Alternative forms of HCQ (Quinine) are Cinchonia extract, and Cryptolepis. We got our Cinchonia powder from here: * Tonic water can be used. I saw a Q brand.

16. Serrapeptase to thin the blood naturally, plus eats up dead tissue. We use the Arthur Andrew Medical brand, however the icky "cellulose" capsules need to be changed out into safer gelatin capsules from PureBulk.comSerrapeptase from Life Enthusiast.

17. Juicing and Raw foods to stay alkaline:

18. Heavy metal detox. We use Arizona Naturals EDTA capsules, and they already come in gelatin capsules. Plus magnetic clay baths.

19. Zinc Sulfate
and/or Zinc Picolinate. Both are available from
* A warning on the zinc. It takes very little, so the capsules we use are just a tad in them, because taking too much, you will be sick and throwing up. Trial and error, you know.

20. Protease (eats up the protein covering of viruses (bad exosomes) and eats up biofilm in addition to serrapeptase. We get it from Natures Sunshine. It is still clean and comes in gelatin capsules already. See:  Proteases and Viruses (PDF) for info
and Dr. William Wong's article Fighting Viruses and Winning.

Those proteolytic enzymes do a number on the all-important exterior protein coating of the virus. They eat it! Remember the virus is active as long as it's coating is in tact. What happens when a virus cannot complete an Isoprin bond? Well, simply it becomes inert - harmless!

Note:  The above article PDF is from an archived site, so their products have more than likely changed.  Need to find a good clean protease proteolytic enzyme.  We use the Protease by Natures Sunshine.  Serrapeptase will also eat up excess proteins.

21. L-Lysine (moves this viral 'dead exosomes' out). L-Lysine is also available and in safe gelatin capsules from
Choose capsules, and then gelatin

22. Quercetin (for coronavirus) works like HCQ. It, too, is a zinc ionophore

23. I have items in a list here as well...

24. Colloidal Silver. Make it yourself if possible. AVOID nano silver too. You can buy it from Herbal Healer Academy as theirs is real colloidal size. No nano.

25. Take activated charcoal capsules or loose powder (it's tasteless). Activated charcoal is known to move poisons form the body fairly quick. We saved a cat's life with it after she accidentally licked up bug spray from the floor many years ago. The apartment management was bent on poisoning all the apartments with it, and we had to get a doctor's note to opt out of bug spraying.

26. Use of essential oils such as oregano, thyme, cassia, cinnamon bark, lemongrass, clove are strong anti-microbials. Even with a flu, we have broken out the oregano and clove essential oils, and put a drop or two in those gelatin capsules.

27. Make use of raw onions and raw garlic. Those spices are also anti-microbial. You can also get a liquid garlic extract with stabilized allicin intact from Allimax.

28. MMS: For all interested, you can purchase CLO2 (sodium chlorite + 4% HCL) from

Watch this video called The Universal Antidote:

The information contained in this documentary, which was just released yesterday, second only I believe to the Gospel of the Kingdom, has the very real potential, to not only change your life, the life of your loved ones and friends, but the world, saving countless lives, and alleviating needless death, pain, and the poverty that goes with them. It deals with a simple, but remarkable, all-natural chemical compound (CLO2 -Chlorine Dioxide) aka MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution. CLO2 is safe and extremely effective at treating a host of the most serious adverse health conditions known to man (influenza, staph, MRSA, Lyme, autism, Covid, Malaria, Typhus, HIV, & Yellow Fever, Cancer, etc.) and has been the object of relentless attacks by bigpharma and FDA censorship for a decade. This is a game-changer in humanity’s quest for natural health and medical freedom. As the producer of a book on natural health and wellness, Health For All of Life, by Dr. Jason Garwood, I encourage everyone in the gab community to watch and share freely!

To those who discount the information as too good to be true, bear in mind, that the Gospel also sounds too good to be true.

Not included in the documentary, are additional uses for CLO2, As a natural herbicide and pesticide, Household disinfectant, and treatment for a host of pet, poultry and livestock pathogens.

29.  Get HCQ from American Frontline Doctors
HCQ has been restricted by most State Governors - something that has never happened before in the history of our country. America's Frontline Doctors provides access to HCQ-knowledgable telemedicine physicians as a service to the American people.

Items to protect yourself from EMF, 5G, radiation, & more:

EMF Protection & Smart Meter Covers from EMF Essentials...

*  Smart Meter Covers - SMART METERS Tools to protect your home from both RF radiation and Dirty Electricity that smart meters can create by EMF Essentials


SHIELDING from EMF Essentials

*  Protection from Cell Phone Radiation from EMF Essentials

BLUblox signature Sleep+ red lens is the world's most advanced blue and green light blocker. Blocking 100% of blue and green light from 400-550nm. from EMF Essentials


EMF METERS from EMF Essentials

Microvascular Circulation Avacen 100 Machine. Increases the temperature of the blood by warming it up. The AVACEN 100 continues to warm the blood passing through the treatment palm, which then circulates throughout the entire body increasing core body temperature. When core body temperature rises, pre-capillary arterioles dilate causing normally collapsed capillaries to open further improving microcirculation throughout the body.

Hemp Underwear from WAMA. Hemp helps protect against radiation and other environmental poisons.

*  MMS: For all interested, you can purchase CLO2 (sodium chlorite + 4% HCL) from

I will be adding more to this last, as I find more helpful resources, and products to use for our health and wellness.

And ramp up the good energy with Uwantsun Orgone.

Also Orgonize Africa and CTBusters have orgone too. Since 2001


Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.

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