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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Théodore broke out in severe eczema after being vaccinated...

Théodore broke out in severe eczema after being vaccinated...

From France, Théodore before first vaccines...
Audrey Lin Chatel

Théodore broke out in severe eczema after being vaccinated...

We all need to stop this insanity!  I pray that it doesn't scar his beautiful face and that the mother learned her lesson.  Surely after this, she will stop and never give him any more vaccines.

It was not mentioned which vaccines he received.


  1. It was not mentioned what vaccinations he received.....then how do you know it has anything to do with the vaccination and not something else he has caught.!!

  2. Try reading a vaccine package insert. The adverse reactions are all listed on them, including that one, and they are published by the very manufacturers of them.

    Vaccine Package Inserts - Vaccination Liberation Information
