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Sunday, January 6, 2013

40 Children Paralyzed After New Meningitis Vaccine

This is the first of the non refrigerated vaccines the WHO has cleared for use stating that they are more cost efficient saving the manufacture .50 cents per dose. Once again instead of giving Africans access to clean food and water they spend billions to inject them with toxic vaccines that are now crippling their children.

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EVDN: 40 Children Paralyzed After New Meningitis Vaccination MenAfriVac    


Dear Readers,

Breaking news, folks .

40 children (the total is likely higher) paralyzed after receiving a new vaccine.

Officials are remaining silent.

Does this surprise you?

Parents are asking for your help to get the word out.

Will you help us?

Read the article now...

Click Here! <--->


Jeffry John Aufderheide

Editor of


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