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Friday, July 31, 2015

Rochester General Hospital in NY Newborn Policy Includes Medical Kidnapping

OMG - you MUST listen to this!!!


Listen to this voice mail by an administrator at Rochester General Hospital stating that their policy is to take newborns into medical custody if their parents refuse the Vitamin K injection and the antibiotic erythromycin…both absolutely unnecessary and TOXIC. 

After abducting this baby, it would then be forcibly injected with poisons and made to endure other injurious procedures, then most likely placed in a foster home without benefit of maternal, paternal or familial bonding and even the breast milk of its mother. THIS IS A CRIME. 

THIS IS WHAT IT’S COME TO…never ever give birth in a hospital! And never register your child with a birth certificate which automatically makes it a slave to the state.

Update on removed newborn video:  UPDATE: This video has been suddenly removed from Youtube after we sent it out to our networks.  Fortunately, a networker called me to find out what the situation was.  We then decided that he might call and record another conversation (audio).  He calledl Rochester Hospital and indeed it is a state law that hospitals must give the Vit.K and antibiotic and that they do call CPS,  take the baby away, force vaccinate with the Vi K shot even though there is an oral option.  They then give the child the antibiotic and return the baby to the mother.  I have asked him to send us an mp3 (which is hard to hear) along with the transcription of his conversation.  Anyone else can call the hospital or any NY hospital and have the conversation. Please record.  We will post the audio and transcript here and on this link:

Update on removed newborn video:  UPDATE: This video has been suddenly removed from Youtube after we sent it out to our networks.  One of our networkers called again.

Here is the transcript of his conversation:Newborns- Forced Medical Procedures text

Audio: The sound is low until the end.  However , the written transcript is clear.

At 4:14 the policy spokeswoman wraps it up clearly.  During the conversation she admits the CPS will be involved.


  1. And the video got pulled. No surprise there.

  2. Alert!! NATIONWIDE FORCED VACCINATION for children, adolescents & adults
    Courtesy of Eileen Dannemann
    Director, National Coalition of Organized Women
    Founder, VaccineLiberationArmy
    319 855-0307

    FOLKS: This is our last hurrah. Please take this to heart! It is getting worse. We need to act now or forced medical treatments will be standard of care.

    See strategy in links below:

    Breaking news: Listen to this voice mail by an administrator at Highland General Hospital NY stating that their policy is to take newborns into medical custody (CPS) if their parents refuse the Vitamin K injection an.
    After taking the baby, the treatments are forced on them without the parents’ permission…listen to this:

    Please act now and give your most generous time and support. Below is a suggested model intro to your emails, Facebook, Twitters, etc.

    A strategy to intercept the 2016 Tsunami of vaccine bills
    There were 110 vaccine bills in the 36 State legislatures this year. With the passage of the California model bill SB277 signed into law by Gov. Brown, the establishment is preparing for a greater tsunami of nationwide vaccine legislation in 2016. The California model bill, which has already been introduced in New York calls for full vaccine compliance of all public, private and pre-school children. It is now law in California that unvaccinated children will not be able to attend school but must be homeschooled.

    Note: Full compliance in 2016 is 49 vaccine doses in 14 injections by the time the child is six years old. By the time a child is 18 they will have been required to take70 vaccine doses (including boosters) in 50 injections in order to attend school. The American College of Physicians and other establishment entities are proactively recommending compulsory vaccinations, not only for children, but compulsory vaccination for all adolescents and adults.

    Your support is important now. Please look at these links and forward through networks and groups (general national fund) (by state…Iowa sample)
    All 50 campaign sites have the option of CHOOSING YOUR STATE to fund

    Eileen Dannemann
    Director, National Coalition of Organized Women
    319 855-0307
