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Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Essential Oils Revolution 2 Summit Day 4: Natural solutions for every aspect of your home!

DAY 4 (August 25, after 10am US eastern)
More than just “smelly stuff,” essential oils provide natural solutions for every aspect of your home. Learn how to wisely use oils in your food, as safe cleaners, for your pets and with your children!

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Jill Winger
Jill Winger
Essential Oils Cleaning Hacks for the Homestead
  • Importance of exact measurements in DIY recipes
  • Best, most effective oils for powerful cleaning
  • Things to know when making DIY cleaners
Joette Calabrese
Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(NA)
Raising Healthy Families with Essential Oils and Homeopathy
  • Underlying cause of most health conditions today
  • How oils, homeopathy and nutrition work together
  • Step-by-step protocols for common family health concerns
Wardeh Harmon
Wardeh Harmon
Practical Tips for Cooking with Essential Oils
  • Difference between using oils for cooking and medicine
  • Best essential oils for cooking
  • Getting started with easy (and tasty!) recipes
Lauren Bridges
Lauren Bridges
A Mother's Journey with Cerebral Palsy
  • Aromatic medicine 101
  • Using essential oils with special needs children
  • Critical risks and benefits you MUST consider
Jennifer Iserloh
Jennifer Iserloh, CHC
Essential Oils in Food to Heal the Body and Mind
  • Inspire a more spiritual connection with food
  • How to dose essential oils for recipes
  • Integrating oils into the recipes you love
Janet Roark
Janet Roark, DVM
Common Essential Oil Usage with Animals
  • Animal aromatherapy 101
  • Using essential oils on specific animals
  • Favorite animal-friendly DIY recipes


Commentary and Thoughts:

Coming later, if time permits. Have a guest here. And some speakers may not get a commentary, depending, because still busy with some of the vaccine stuff and such.. However,  PDF transcripts are available to read


Jill Winger

Essential Oils Cleaning Hacks for the Homestead

What You'll Learn -

Importance of exact measurements in DIY recipes
Best, most effective oils for powerful cleaning
Things to know when making DIY cleaners

Transcript:  Jill Winger (PDF)


Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(NA)

Raising Healthy Families with Essential Oils and Homeopathy

What You'll Learn -

Underlying cause of most health conditions today
How oils, homeopathy and nutrition work together
Step-by-step protocols for common family health concerns


Wardeh Harmon

Practical Tips for Cooking with Essential Oils

What You'll Learn -

Difference between using oils for cooking and medicine
Best essential oils for cooking
Getting started with easy (and tasty!) recipes

Transcript:  Wardeh Harmon (PDF)


Lauren Bridges

A Mother's Journey with Cerebral Palsy

What You'll Learn -

Aromatic medicine 101
Using essential oils with special needs children
Critical risks and benefits you MUST consider

Transcript:  Lauren Bridges (PDF)


Jennifer Iserloh, CHC

Essential Oils in Food to Heal the Body and Mind

What You'll Learn -

Inspire a more spiritual connection with food
How to dose essential oils for recipes
Integrating oils into the recipes you love

Transcript:  Jennifer Iserloh, CHC (PDF)
Jennifer Iserloh is the bestselling author of Fifty Shades of Kale and Healthy Cheats among many others.


Janet Roark, DVM

Common Essential Oil Usage with Animals

What You'll Learn -

Animal aromatherapy 101
Using essential oils on specific animals
Favorite animal-friendly DIY recipes

Transcript:  Janet Roark, DVM (PDF)



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