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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Medicinal Supplements Summit Day 3: Tips and tests to customize supplements!

DAY 3 (September 14, after 10am US eastern)
On Day 3 of The Medicinal Supplements Summit, we discuss tips and tests you can take to customize supplements to your body’s needs. Take the guesswork out of choosing supplements!

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Harry Massey
Harry Massey, CEO of NES Health
Future of Supplements: Customization and Digitizing Biochemistry
  • Energy medicine and infoceuticals are the future of health
  • Using an NES Health scan to guide supplementation
  • “Hack” your energy systems to become supercharged
Sterling Hill
Sterling Hill, CEO of MTHFR Support
Genetic Defects and MTHFR
  • Using genetics to guide supplementation
  • 50% suffer MTHFR mutations (and what that means!)
  • Look at your DNA if you’re chronically ill!
Dietitian Cassie
Dietitian Cassie, RD
The Importance of Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements
  • Distinguishing quality between various supplements
  • Top supplements for weight loss
  • Supplements everyone should be taking!
Dan Kalish
Dan Kalish, DC
Best Functional Medicine Tests to Customize Supplements
  • Determine the exact supplements your body needs!
  • Best lab test to determine one’s supplement needs
  • Optional lab tests to help customize supplements
David Nico
David Nico, PhD, “Dr. Healthnut”
Proven Solution for Supplement Confusion
  • Tips to choose the right supplements
  • Top supplements everyone should be taking
  • Best superfoods to consume


Commentary and Thoughts:

As time permits. And some speakers may not get a commentary, depending on time allowance.. I haven't watched all of these yet. However,  PDF transcripts are available to read


Harry Massey

Future of Supplements: Customization and Digitizing Biochemistry

What You'll Learn -

Energy medicine and infoceuticals are the future of health
Using an NES Health scan to guide supplementation
“Hack” your energy systems to become supercharged

Transcript:  Harry Massey (PDF)


Sterling Hill

Genetic Defects and MTHFR

What You'll Learn -

Using genetics to guide supplementation
50% suffer MTHFR mutations (and what that means!)
Look at your DNA if you’re chronically ill!

Transcript:  Sterling Hill (PDF)


Dietitian Cassie, RD

The Importance of Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements

What You'll Learn -

Distinguishing quality between various supplements
Top supplements for weight loss
Supplements everyone should be taking!

Transcript:  Dietitian Cassie, RD (PDF)


Dan Kalish, DC

Best Functional Medicine Tests to Customize Supplements

What You'll Learn -

Determine the exact supplements your body needs!
Best lab test to determine one’s supplement needs
Optional lab tests to help customize supplements

Transcript:  Dan Kalish, DC (PDF)


David Nico, PhD

Proven Solution for Supplement Confusion

What You'll Learn -

Tips to choose the right supplements
Top supplements everyone should be taking
Best superfoods to consume

Transcript:  David Nico, PhD (PDF)



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