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Friday, September 16, 2016

The Medicinal Supplements Summit Day 5: Top supplements for common health conditions!

DAY 5 (September 16, after 10am US eastern)
On Day 5 of The Medicinal Supplements Summit, we review the top medicinal supplements for common health conditions: heart disease, pain, adrenal fatigue, thyroid dysfunction, gut health and autoimmunity. These supplements should be in your medicine cabinet!

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Sayer Ji
Sayer Ji
Best Supplements for Heart Health and High Cholesterol
  • Myth of "high cholesterol" as a causative factor in heart disease
  • The dangers of statins and natural alternatives
  • Supplements to improve contributors to heart disease
Amy Myers
Amy Myers, MD
Supplements for Optimal Thyroid Function
  • Supplements to improve thyroid function
  • Best supplements for autoimmune disease
  • Iodine for Hashimoto’s Disease, yes or no?
Tom O'Bryan
Tom O'Bryan, DC
Best Supplements for Gut Health and Autoimmunity
  • Hidden gluten in supplements
  • Best supplements for digestive issues
  • How gluten and leaky gut foster autoimmunity
Ann Louise Gittleman
Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS
A Killer Key to Detox You Haven’t Heard of…Yet!
  • How sluggish bile causes health issues!
  • Why bile is needed to detox heavy metals
  • Supplements/foods to improve bile flow and production
Noah De Koyer
Noah De Koyer, DC
Best Supplements for Pain
  • Addressing inflammation is the key to reducing pain
  • Supplements to reduce acute pain and inflammation
  • Best supplements for chronic pain


Commentary and Thoughts:

As time permits. And some speakers may not get a commentary, depending on time allowance. However,  PDF transcripts are available to read


Sayer Ji

Best Supplements for Heart Health and High Cholesterol

What You'll Learn -

Myth of "high cholesterol" as a causative factor in heart disease
The dangers of statins and natural alternatives
Supplements to improve contributors to heart disease

Transcript:  Sayer Ji (PDF)


Amy Myers, MD

Supplements for Optimal Thyroid Function

What You'll Learn -

Supplements to improve thyroid function
Best supplements for autoimmune disease
Iodine for Hashimoto’s Disease, yes or no?

Transcript:  Amy Myers, MD (PDF)


Evan Brand, CFMP, NTP, CPT

Top Supplements to Heal Adrenal Fatigue

What You'll Learn -

Fatigue, low mood, low motivation and poor memory
Ideal supplements to heal the adrenals
How adaptogenic herbs calm the adrenals

Transcript:  Evan Brand, CFMP, NTP, CPT (PDF)


Tom O’Bryan, DC

Best Supplements for Gut Health and Autoimmunity

What You'll Learn -

Hidden gluten in supplements
Best supplements for digestive issues
How gluten and leaky gut foster autoimmunity

Transcript:  Tom O’Bryan, DC (PDF)


Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

A Killer Key to Detox You Haven’t Heard of…Yet!

What You'll Learn -

How sluggish bile causes health issues!
Why bile is needed to detox heavy metals
Supplements/foods to improve bile flow and production

Transcript:  Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS (PDF)


Noah De Koyer, DC

Best Supplements for Pain

What You'll Learn -

Addressing inflammation is the key to reducing pain
Supplements to reduce acute pain and inflammation
Best supplements for chronic pain

I'm a little disappointed in this talk because the supplement company recommended by Noah Anabolic Labs puts cellulose and too many "Other Ingredients" in their products and also in Zymain
The Label
Other Ingredients: Cellulose, modified cellulose gum,stearic acid (vegetable source), glycerin, silicon dioxide,magnesium stearate (vegetable source), sodium alginate.
Indicated during the acute phase of treatment for the reduction of inflammation, such as after a strain/ sprain or acute disc herniation. Contains plasminactivating proteolytic enzymes bromelain, papain, trypsin and chymotrypsin that degrade fibrin. Other antiinflammatory benefits involve reduction or modulation of cyclooxygenase (COX) activity, bradykinin, and inflammatory cytokines.

Cellulose listed twice.  Once as part of the capsule and other part of the mix, plus the silicon dioxide (anti-caking agent), and the other stuff is simply UNNEEDED.

Arthur Andrew Medical is much better.  And with the same benefits. Because at least the cellulose is only limited to just the veggie caps and those can be changed out.

Wendy recommended the MyoMend by Enzyme Science
Spec Sheet PDF:

Other Ingredients: 100% Vegetarian Capsule (Gellan Gum, Cellulose, Water)
* Wendy's product recommendation is much better, as the Cellulose is only limited to the vegetarian capsule. So this product is savable and can be re-encapsulated into a gelatin cap.

But they're right on at the fact the proteolytic enzymes is the key to putting out the inflammation and reducing the pain. Just have to watch the companies and their formulations.

Tumeric, curcumin and ginger are actual foods to help decrease inflammation as well, and we actually blend those in water to add to smoothies, in water, or whatever.  The ginger blended tastes real good in the Earl Grey black tea, which is also sometimes mixed with sage tea and/or the detox teas.

The main thing is watch out for are the companies and read the labels and watch out for "Other Ingredients" which are never needed.

The above commentary is in no way meant to undermine this speaker or any of the other speakers, in any way, as they probably haven't researched cellulose or some of the ingredients. However, the recommendation of proteolytic enzymes for pain and inflammation is spot on.

Search on this blog about cellulose:



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