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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

First Essential Oils Summit Talks on YouTube by Eric Z.

These videos are from the FIRST Essential Oils Summit from last year.   The most recent one was the Essential Oils Revolution 2 (EOR2) which was THIS year's summit event.  There are several of these, so enjoy.  When freebies are listed on YouTube, I'd like to share them, so all will have an idea of how the current summits are done, and look like.

This is great information for free, when they upload the older summits. They are still for sale for online access and affiliate promotions.  If I find more youtube summit talks of this one, I'll add them later.


Dr. Z’s Essential Oils Database:

Cancer and Essential Oil Research
by Eric Z


How To Supercharge Immunity with
Dr. Eric Z


Essential Oils for Gut, Thyroid and Adrenals
Dr. Eric Z

This is an older 2015 Summit, so it won't be replayed, except for these few videos on Eric Z's Youtube Channel, but they are still available for ordering online access and the digital files.

The Essential Oils Revolution

Refer an Affiliate!

This is an older 2015 summit, these are listed on Eric Z's separate affiliate platform, and are no longer part of the Health Talks Online centralized platform.

The Current Essential Oils 2 summit, has also been moved to Eric Z.'s centralized platform of InfusionSoft un233 acct. So they sent us an email notification to give the new link.
The affiliate registration is the same for both EOR events.

Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. HTO only handles things during the live event, then moves the content and sales pages to our platforms. But, we neglected to set up the affiliate links!

You now have one for EOR2:

You'll see it in your affiliate dashboard as well. :)

Many blessings,
Erica M
Customer Service
Dr. Eric L. Zielinski

Dr. Eric L. Zielinski (“Dr. Z”) is a sought-after public health researcher, Biblical health educator, author and motivational speaker. Inspired by the timeless principles in the Bible, Dr. Z’s mission is to provide people with simple, evidenced-based tools that they need to experience the Abundant Life. He lives in Atlanta with his wife and children. Find out more at

Brought to you by:
doTERRA Wellness Advocate & Essential Oils


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