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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Over 10,000 people are watching live right now! (ending today)

Watch the Truth About Cancer Live right now and join over 10,000 others in the chat room who are there now.

Once you register you can join the rest of us watching live!

Or you could just jump right into the LIVE Streaming Page.

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* Each time the page is refreshed or changing to another Breakaway room, the javascript will come back, so the icon will need to be clicked again to get rid of it.


There are more great incentives (NON affiliate) to share these with friends and family when you join us live  - make sure to spread the word! Together we’re going to change lives!

Sign up here for the rest of the event!

Of course affiliates are welcome too. Refer other partners directly to our signup form using the link below

My father had cancer and that's how and why we started learning about the alternatives, as the LAMESTREAM treatment is what killed him..

We have to learn how to stop this disease along with the others!

We feel so strongly about cancer because it has affected our families so personally. It has taught us that life is precious.

There's still time left to watch and get empowered with truth!!

Here's the schedule run down....

BREAKOUT SESSIONS 11:15 — 12:00 PM (All times are Central)

Breakout 1:  Antoine Béchamp Ballroom | Grapevine C & D
The Secret to Health ~ Dr Edward Group

Breakout 2:   Harry Hoxsey Hall | Grapevine A
Cancer is the Response, not the Cause ~ Dr Thomas Lodi, MD

Breakout 3:   Royal Raymond Rife Room | Grapevine B
Healing with Hydrogen ~ Paul Barattiero


Restoring Hope: an intimate conversation on navigating the land mines of life and health with KC and Monica Craichy, founders of Living Fuel with special guest Mike Adams, the Health Ranger ~ KC & Monica Craichy (and Mike Adams)


Breakout 1:  Antoine Béchamp Ballroom | Grapevine C & D
Nature's Medicine Chest, Plant Medicine, and Detoxification ~ Dr. Daniel Nuzum

Breakout 2:   Harry Hoxsey Hall | Grapevine A
Directed Immune System Natural Therapies and Diagnostic Testing ~ Dr R Ernest Cohn, MD

Breakout 3:   Royal Raymond Rife Room | Grapevine B
Overcoming Advanced Cancer ~ Dr Lee Cowden, MD


Breakout 1:  Antoine Béchamp Ballroom | Grapevine C & D
The Holistic Doctor Deaths in North America and Beyond ~ Erin Elizabeth

Breakout 2:   Harry Hoxsey Hall | Grapevine A
Beat Cancer God's Way ~ Dr Eric Zielinski

Breakout 3:   Royal Raymond Rife Room | Grapevine B
The Science of Wellness: Restoring Your Health ~ Dr Howard Fisher


Planet Heal Thyself ~ Jordan Rubin

DVDs and online access will be available after the event.

We're going to end up buying the DVD Recordings or Online Access, so that these can be watched at our own pace. It's so much to watch in 3 days.  We actually won the original 9 Part Series Truth About Cancer earlier this year, plus the book came with the set too.

Commentary & Thoughts:

Still watching and listening..  I'll be in this Breakaway. Because I want hear Erin's talk about the holistic doctor deaths.

Breakout 1: The Holistic Doctor Deaths in North America and Beyond ~ Erin Elizabeth
Breakout 2: Beat Cancer God's Way ~ Dr. Eric Zielinski
Breakout 3: The Science of Wellness: Restoring Your Health ~ Dr. Howard Fisher

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