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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Thyroid Connection Summit Day 2: Thyroid dysfunction + hormones, fertility, chronic fatigue, diabetes...

DAY 2 (October 25, after 10am US eastern)
Today at The Thyroid Connection Summit, learn how thyroid dysfunction impacts hormones, fertility, chronic fatigue and diabetes. Plus, gain an understanding about the different types of supplemental thyroid hormone.

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Updated with Aviva Romm, MD....

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Dana Trentini
Dana Trentini, Hypothyroid Mom
Pre-Conception, Pregnancy, Infertility and Your Thyroid
  • Infertility, could it be your thyroid?
  • Optimal lab ranges for pregnancy
  • How to prevent a miscarriage
Margaret Christensen
Margaret Christensen, MD
Thyroid and Your Sex Hormones at All Stages of Life
  • Thyroid changes at perimenopause and menopause
  • What do progesterone and estrogen have to do with anything?
  • Adrenal hormones explained
Aviva Romm
Aviva Romm, MD
Healthy Pregnancy, Postpartum and Your Thyroid
  • Optimal thyroid levels for pregnancy
  • How to have a healthy pregnancy
  • Postpartum and beyond
Kent Holtorf
Kent Holtorf, MD
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Thyroid and Chronic Fatigue
  • LDN explained
  • Is your thyroid to blame for chronic fatigue?
  • Patient success stories
Brian Mowll
Brian Mowll, DC, CDE, IFMCP
Diabetes and Thyroid, What's the Connection?
  • Is your thyroid to blame for diabetes mellitus?
  • Can healing your thyroid heal your diabetes?
  • Tips to regulate blood sugar


Commentary & Thoughts:

Immediately after TTAC Live Symposium, and jump right in to these online teachings and lessons. Commentary?  Sure, if there is time. Usually have the PDF transcripts available as a freebie just for taking the time to read these posts.  Thank you!


Dana Trentini

Pre-Conception, Pregnancy, Infertility and Your Thyroid

What You'll Learn -

Infertility, could it be your thyroid?
Optimal lab ranges for pregnancy
How to prevent a miscarriage

Transcript:  Dana Trentini (PDF)

Yeah, I'm sure that would have also contributed to my miscarriage of my 3rd child. Also, it was tissue incompatibility also known as alloimmunity.

Should have detoxed longer, but I remember the Nature's Sunshine formulas for infertility, which are Special Formula #1, Damiana, and X-A. Also added Ho Shou Wo, and took Mannatech's Plus formula which was clean and cellulose=free back then. Knowing what I know now, I should have done so much more. After a while, I quit trying. Especially knowing what is going on with the vaccines, forced vaccines, etc... Why even bring another innocent child into this evil world?

But at least I know the things to do to nourish and normalize the thyroid, and it takes the whole body cleansing, nutrition, adjustments, and so much more.


Margaret Christensen, MD

Thyroid and Your Sex Hormones at All Stages of Life

What You'll Learn -

Thyroid changes at perimenopause and menopause
What do progesterone and estrogen have to do with anything?
Adrenal hormones explained

Transcript:  Margaret Christensen, MD (PDF)

Used to take the Standard Process and Biotics Research glandulars for adrenals, thyroid, etc... until both companies polluted their glandular supplements with cellulose too.  Even the Drenamin for adrenals got polluted as well, so I tossed the whole bottle of them away too. No supplemental formulation companies are to be trusted anymore.  So now, have to take the basic vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acid, enzymes, superfoods, homeopathics and  buy such from trusted companies, which are mostly bulk suppliers, and make my own formulations.  It's a big fat pain in the ass. Youngevity's Tangy Tangerine is still a great vitamin and mineral supplement and it's still clean.


Aviva Romm, MD

Healthy Pregnancy, Postpartum and Your Thyroid

What You'll Learn -

Optimal thyroid levels for pregnancy
How to have a healthy pregnancy
Postpartum and beyond

Transcript:  Aviva Romm, MD (PDF)

Note:  Suzy Cohen, RPh was originally scheduled, but I guess she dropped out at the last moment, and they added Aviva to take her place. Suzy hosted the first thyroid summit.


Kent Holtorf, MD

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Thyroid and Chronic Fatigue

What You'll Learn -

LDN explained
Is your thyroid to blame for chronic fatigue?
Patient success stories

Transcript:  Kent Holtorf, MD (PDF)


Brian Mowll, DC, CDE, IFMCP

Diabetes and Thyroid, What's the Connection?

What You'll Learn -

Is your thyroid to blame for diabetes mellitus?
Can healing your thyroid heal your diabetes?
Tips to regulate blood sugar

Transcript:  Brian Mowll, DC, CDE, IFMCP (PDF)

C7 vertebrae for thyroid and T7 for Pancreas.  They are like sister vertebrae, and BOTH, when out, are always stuck forward (never backward), which means that they are NON self correcting.  And usually if one is out, the other is too. So to restore proper nerve flow and response, they must be corrected and put back in alignment, and ONLY the ABC A to P way, as other ways of adjusting are P to A, which makes one go forward even more.

So to fix the blood sugar...  It's actually easy. It's what I've learned from various speakers, doctors, chihropractors, etc...

* Make sure T7 vertebrae is in alignment and corrected A to P via ABC. And also C-7 vertebrae.

* We like putting cinnamon Bark essential oil into water, coffee and sometimes in the apple juice, which is done alot before a liver flush (liver flush helps thyroid T4 to active T3). William Mount mentions putting the Ceylon cinnamon in his coffee. The Cinnamon Bark is Cassia. Ceylon cinnamon is good, but we use the Cassia cinnamon because it is a natural blood thinner.

* Colloidal minerals such as Chromium and Vanadium is the replacement for Insulin injections, to keep blood sugar down, which we learned from Dr. Joel Wallach of Youngevity at one of his presentations.  Dr. Wallach has his own diabetic formula called Sweet-EZE. Last I checked, that formula is still clean. That along with the 90 Essentials. See the Youngevity banner above.   I think our cat Breezy has pica. He tries to eat toilet paper.

* Dr. William Mount also suggests Gymnema Sylvestre.  Can get Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf in bulk powder and add it to whatever smoothie, water or juice, or encapsulate into a safer cellulose-free gelatin capsule.
It can be a different company other than this, but at least to avoid "Other Ingredients".
William also suggests Immussist and Citricare. They have an Immusist Natural, which is the better one. Put his suggestions on a page here:

* Cut out the grains (wheat, rye barley, oats and corn), and mainstream dairy, and watch for anything with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), and sugar content. If one must do dairy, then from RAW sources, and anti-biotic and steroid-free from NON vaccinated animals. Goat's cheese is pretty good.



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