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Sunday, November 6, 2016

EOR2 Freebie

This is a new one from the last EOR2 Summit.

How To Cook with Essential Oils
Dr. Eric Z

The Essential Oils Revolution
This is an the first and older 2015 summit. These are now listed on Eric Z's separate affiliate platform, and are no longer part of the Health Talks Online centralized platform.

Refer an Affiliate!

The Essential Oils Revolution 2:

The Current Essential Oils 2 summit, has also been moved to Eric Z.'s centralized platform of InfusionSoft un233 acct. So they had sent us an email notification to give the new link.
The affiliate registration is the same for both EOR events.

Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. HTO only handles things during the live event, then moves the content and sales pages to our platforms. But, we neglected to set up the affiliate links!

You now have one for EOR2:

You'll see it in your affiliate dashboard as well. :)

Many blessings,
Erica M
Customer Service
Dr. Eric L. Zielinski

Tomorrow starts Day 1 of the Fat Summit 2.

The Truth About Cancer is currently re-airing their original The Truth About  Cancer: A Global Quest 9-Part Docu-series.

Nick K - AGQ Relaunch - Nov2016 - Episode 1

Nick K - AGQ Relaunch - Nov2016 - Episode 2

This one is now playing...
Nick K - AGQ Relaunch - Nov2016 - Episode 6

I would have posted TTAC docu-series sooner, but never got a reminder email to remind us of their start date.  Still have time to catch them though.

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