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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Delete Citizen App Or Just Dump Your Smart Phones. NOW IS THE TIME!

CONtact Traitors

Delete Citizen App., or better yet, dump all your smart phones and other trackable devices.  That is, if you value your life and the lives of your family and loved ones.

If I can survive without one, so can anyone else.  There are NO LONGER ANY EXCUSES whatsoever.  This is mainly to my family members who all have one and are addicted to them.  NO cell phones, iPads, smart phones allowed on our property whatsoever.  Want to visit us?  Then leave them behind or just do without ever seeing us.  It's sad, but we're okay with that.

And here's another thing, okay?...

Let's say, you have a smart phone, etc... and what if you DO leave it at home?  What if someone else has an app on THEIR phone and comes to see you, and then WHOOPSIE, you've been traced.

Or even if you forbid phones coming into your home, what if someone or a neighbor merely walks outside nearby the room the phone is kept in?  WHOOPSIE!  YOU'VE BEEN TRACED!  Whoops! Most people never thought that one scenario out either.

And then driving on the street, freeway, etc... in your cars...  BIG WHOOPSIE!!!


Ian Ethan Vloke-Wurth ... yes. I have someone walking, running, or biking approx 6 ft from my couch and my bed. Also the mailman or Amazon leaving a package on my porch would ping my app....or someone knocking on my front door even if I didn’t answer...

Ian Ethan Vloke-Wurth ... also there will be certain people with it who would leave and come up to your home just to ping your app so you couldn’t goto work etc...
If you live in a 5 story building everyone above and below you everyone that drives or walks below you in the parking garage will ping you.... plus potentially 6ft outside your own walls if you were next to one of your walls so it would be almost impossible to live in a 5 story apartment with a parking garage under and a walk way on the other side of where they sit or sleep to not be pinged on the app and forced to quarantine for 14 days. We are talking a good percentage of the US population being pinged without leaving home and nearly everyone if you dared to leave home. So this seems like a trick to require nearly the entire population to stay home.

Can ANYONE see how TERRIBLY WRONG this can go?!


What is someone really has it out for you and wants to tell lies and bear false witness?


Ian Ethan Vloke-Wurth
17 hrs

Someone posted this text below...and this evening this popped up on my Citizen app so I shot this video.

"A person who wants to stay anonymous went through the Contact Tracing Training. Here's her report:
Based on the Contact Tracing Training I went through, I want to warn you that once they start testing the masses, Contact Tracing will be in full force.
If you are found to be a person who has come into close contact with an infected individual during their infectious time period such that you are suspected to have contracted the virus, you will be asked to voluntarily quarantine yourself inside your home, without leaving, for a full 2 weeks. No grocery runs for any reasons. The only reason you’ll be excused from your home is to go to the doctor. If you are unable to self-quarantine, your case will be elevated to a supervisor, so I would highly suggest you play nice and cooperate with instructions if you want to be left alone in the luxury of your own home with your family.
What defines whether or not you are considered possibly infected?....
1. If you are in the same building with someone who has tested positive for 1 hour or more.
2. If you are face to face within 6 feet of an infected person for a minimum of 10 minutes
3. All persons who live in the home of the infected individual.
As you can see, this will have huge consequences. A person is considered contagious 2 days before symptoms even present. So a contact tracer will be asking for everyone who the infected person has been in close contact with starting with that time period and during the time of obvious infection."


These videos tend to get deleted by "Fake Checkers", and other censors, so here is an upload version here...


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