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Friday, December 11, 2020

Apparently Trump Supports This Warp Speed CV Vaccine

Enough about the damn vaccines already! We, the people have spoken and told you all that we do NOT want them!  Many comments in the various tweets of thousands of people who say NO!

NO it is NOT a miracle. It is the mark of the beast vaccine, that will change people's DNA and cut people off from The Most High Mr. President, and you are pushing this?!  I am extremely disappointed in you.  We, along with many others have sent you information on proof of the dangers of these vaccines, and even the childhood vaccines and you all just ignore us and our concerns.

From Jim Stone Freelance:

What about this?  Remember this?!

The whole lot of us have been warning everyone about forced vaccines for YEARS.  We saw this shit coming 20 years ago.And... as I have said before, NO ONE has our backs.  This endless going on about vaccines is proof, that they are not listening to us, nor do they care.

So... Are y'all just going to keep ignoring all of our warnings and go ahead and kill everyone off with this vaccine?

This whole coronavirus PLANdemic is a SCAM, a HOAX, a FALSE Flag.

And those who ARE ending up in the hospital with symptoms had all gotten their flu shots recently.

THAT Is what's making everyone sick.

This is actually very sad.

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