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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Contact Tracing Scarier than you Imagined

This CONtracted traitor program is also a cover to take children away from parents. Many will fall through the cracks. 

Where do you think they're going to go? Think about that a moment or two. This program will be a legalized child trafficking ring worldwide.

CONtact Traitors... Governor's private Army to harass people in their homes and remove whomever he wants ? our children and families how are we to protect them from the Governor's overreaching? 

The elite pedos are hungry for fresh children.  And THIS is HOW they are going to get them!


Do I need a cup of coffee that bad?! NOPE!!!

Shove your CONtact Traitor Apps and YOUR business. BOYCOTT!
And I hope that place GOES OUT OF BUSINESS!
The equivalent to the "free 200 gas points with your 'free' flu shot" Scam. Blah blah...

Chris Kirckof
May 24 at 12:54 PM

The slave life upgrade is always one decision away. Wear the mask, get the app, speak to the contact tracer and get the vaccine and microchip. Do it all just so you can fit it. Comply with the tyranny so you don’t stand out. Do it so you so can get a grande coffee that’s full of mold and pesticides.


Our medical privacy is worth more than a cup of coffee. Besides my hubby makes a better cup of coffee bar none. 

Snitchizens, another name for desperate CONtracted Traitors sellouts.

Working from home is looking better all the time...

Larry Cook
32 mins ·

This was planned from day 1. You know what else is planned? Mandatory vaccines to work, discussed extensively in the HHS Healthy people 2020 "cradle to grave" workplace vaccination plan. Lots of adults never wanted to fight for children. I wonder if they will fight for themselves.


Regards testing...

Carmel Lee Mooney
Yesterday at 11:32 AM

My friend who is a doctor I love and respect dearly, posted this today. It is her unique post, NOT a copy/paste/opinion from someone, that came from who-knows-where or who...
When a nation is locked down causing mass casualties economically, social/emotionally, and people not receiving otherwise life saving treatments due to fear mongering by the media and a handful of outspoken people (such as Fauci who hasn’t been right yet) we are obligated to look deeper. So please consider this:
Fear propaganda based upon- the skewing of numbers:
1) faulty models
2) faulty death reporting (those who died “with corona” vs those who died “of” corona and the numerous cases of those who neither died with or of corona but had it listed on their death certificates anyway)
3) death by inappropriate treatment (ventilators- when early on the alarm was sounded that ventilators would actually hurt more than help)
4) not protecting those in long term care facilities (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, among others)
5) Finally, and in my opinion a truly egregious one because doctors should know and understand how PCR testing is done - a very poor and inaccurate test for CoVid. That on top of the fact that the CDC admitted that early tests were tainted, and then recently admitted they (and 11 states) were mixing together results from PCR and antibody tests and reporting them all as positive.


Refuse this too, if you know what's good for you, or just bend over and be good little lazy slave and get your COVID-19 ID

Alan Bekhuis
· May 24 ·

A passport linked to health status is discriminatory & should be illegal. Also people should be very suspicious of the level of investment and development this site represents, to be rolled out in a couple of months...
"Through unique biometric access, users are allowed access to their health and immunoresponse information. COVI-PASS™️ safely facilitates safe return to work and life.
COVI-PASS™️ is equipped with military grade encryption and has more than 2.2 Quintillion variations of codes, which securely corresponds to certified tests, all of which can do something different based on the details of the scanner: user ID, time & date, device type and how many times they have scanned."


Screenshot from a family member, so name is removed for their protection...


It's going to take a REAL Vigilante Task Force Team to stop this.  START with DUMPING your stupid smart phones to begin with!

Think of ALL the various ways we are all already being surveilled now, and then find the countermeasures aka solutions.  The program can be undermined, or at the very least monkeywrenched.


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