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Saturday, May 23, 2020



Hitler closed the schools, controlled the media, pumped out an official narrative that wasn’t allowed to be questioned, siphoned off huge sums of money from the public (stimulus packages), shut down jobs, and funneled everyone into “Government jobs” in order that everyone would fall in line easier.

The calculated closing of all small businesses and leaving the big box stores open - ensures that the employment is shifted to only a few key players that can be controlled. This way, the people could be controlled through their employment.

Want to go to work today?

Put on your mask, get your temperature checked, and get your gestapo boots on so that you can march around contract tracing people - because you don’t have a choice. All the small businesses were deliberately suffocated and closed - so if you want to go to work and feed your family, you’ll be a good little citizen that takes your vaccines, wears your masks, and tattles on your neighbors for not doing what the “higher ups” that continue to screw the pooch tell everyone you all need to do.

Even though those in charge COMPLETELY SCREWED THE POOCH on their prediction models and have completely inaccurate information regarding infection rates, hospital capacities, and have made it perfectly clear the death rate was exaggerated deliberately - SOMEHOW these people (that have time and time again deliberately exaggerated “pandemic numbers”) are STILL in control and making policies regarding what you can or can’t do with your daily life.

These bumbling idiots that have dropped the ball COMPLETELY - are SOMEHOW still going to dictate that you must wear a mask (which is worse than useless) and that your businesses need to be closed, all employees need masks, or that you can only operate at 25% capacity.

All of these falsified and deliberately inflated numbers are now being used to usher in drone tracking, video personal identification on a global network, are deploying “drone dogs” that ensure social distancing, micro chipping, “immunity cards”, and every other totalitarian wet dream you can imagine.

Those who do not learn from history,
Are doomed to repeat it.

Rise up Humanity - and take back your soul.

Don’t let fear beat you down into accepting a “new normal” - make you OWN new normal. One that The Creator would be proud of - where EVERYONE makes it, and EVERYONE succeeds, and we stop letting Tyranny scare you into submission by creating fake scares, false flags, and “outbreaks” while putting up 5G electromagnetic weapons.

Through Christ,
We Rise.
~Adam Ringham


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