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Friday, December 18, 2020

Safe and Effective Vaccine Confidence Event with Vice President Mike Pence

Pence Receives covid vaccine.  But did he really?

Well, let's see...


Do all you crisis actors and fakers honestly think that your public VIRTUE SIGNALING is going to convince us to take this death shot?  And WHY all the big deals of doing this publicly?  Huh?!  And ALWAYS on MSM FAKE NEWS outlets?

Do you really think we're that stupid?

Although this is Bill Gates of Hell dream come true (read nightmare) Mark of the Beast vaccine, Trump STILL warp speeded this thing and trusted Deep State liars.  This is Operation Warp Speed.  So he IS responsible too. THIS is why I am pissed and disappointed with Trump.  He believed the globalist liars, and should have stuck with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  At least Robert Kennedy Jr. has been warning us for years about vaccine dangers.  Although Robert still believes that safer vaccines can be had and is pushing for that.  There will never be a safe vaccine and the only safe vaccine that exists is one that is never used. Trump had also tweeted that he wanted 5G and even 6G.

I've always liked Trump and still think he's the best president, otherwise, but he just kept on and on about this damn Operation Warp Speed vaccine in his tweets.  And activists were warning him about the dangers. Qanon fans and enthusiasts have been saying this is code or comms for something else.  No, it's the damn vaccine for real.   Check this tweet out that was just tweeted today!

NOTHING great about these companies.  They, too, are complicit in this murdering vaccine program.

See?!  I told ya.  Trump just won't SHUT UP about this damn vaccine!  His Operation Warp Speed vaccine has already gotten some people killed.  He trusted Fauci and Gates and NEVER listened to the many of us warning him about this.

I'm sorry to say, but our "leaders" have sold us out and NO ONE has our backs, as I've said all along.  NO ONE but other activists are fighting for us.  And even some of them are dying now (Brandy Vaughan and Sally Elkordy).  If Xiden does gets in, he will force it on ALL  Let's see Xiden take the shot for real along with Harris, etc...

“For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.”
— Isaiah 9:16


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