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Friday, December 18, 2020

The Daily Messenger: Nurse Collapses on Live Television shortly after receiving COVID-19 VACCINE

The Daily Messenger: Nurse Collapses on Live Television shortly after receiving COVID-19 VACCINE:   The thing is, you’ll take the vax or you will not be cleared to shop, go to work or to school. What are you going to do then when you cannot live unless you take the shot?...


What are you guys going to do?  We could use some ideas here.

We posted about this yesterday, but also want to repost your post as well.  I'm sure they are scrambling to do "damage control" now.

Yeah... they are perpetuating the same nonsense script to normalize side effects

Ummmm... EXCUSE ME!  Passing out after a vaccine IS an adverse reaction!  What a joke! - ‘not considered an adverse reaction’

ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?!  Are you kidding me right now?!

And I suppose convulsions are also a "common reaction after receiving any vaccine". In fact, this is true.

If death were a common reaction that would be okey-dokey too, eh?

Annd... Why are they saying, in the same breath, that dizziness is a common reaction to vaccination, and that the dizziness was not directly related to the vaccine? These people are obviously desperate to make words come out of their mouth that will sound helpful.

Also, there's a difference between "dizziness" and actually collapsing. Now that women in developed countries no longer starve themselves during pregnancy or wear corsets, spontaneous collapse is not common here, and is a serious symptom that something is wrong. It might be fairly common to feel like you might faint and have to sit down, but how often do people around us actually spontaneously collapse? I mean that's what makes this video shocking.

We pray that this poor woman is okay, and that she will skip the 2nd shot.  Not holding my breath though.  They're all mind controlled.


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