Hi everyone,
Wanted to remind anyone who is able to tune into our radio show --
it was rescheduled for Monday, March 30 at 5 PM Eastern Time (4 PM
Central time, 3 PM Mountain Time and 2 PM Pacific Time.)
I will be the host of John Stadtmiller's show, The National Intel
Report, with Jeanice Barcello as my guest. We will be discussing her
new book, Birth Trauma and the Darkside of Modern Medicine.
To check out her newly released book, go to
Jeanice Barcello is an amazing researcher, writer, educator and
activist. I would have never known of Jeanice's fabulous work if
Joan Mootry hadn't shared Jeanice's interview on Red Ice Creations
two years ago. At the time, I was so moved by her interview with
Henrik that I immediately shared it with this group and I still have
it posted on my desk top for easy reference and sharing. Here is her
brief bio:
Jeanice Barcelo, M.A., is dedicated to exposing the dark side of
modern medicine and the violence of hospital birth. Jeanice is the
author of a new book entitled "Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of
Modern Medicine.”
She is also the creator of the "Birth of a New Earth Curriculum," a
revolutionary curriculum designed to put an end to hospital birth
trauma and restore humanity's capacity to give birth in love.
Jeanice has spent the last 15+ years uncovering the roots of
institutionalized violence and the long-term, intergenerational
impact of birth trauma on our children, our families, and our entire
civilization. Through her classes, television, and radio shows, she
exposes the dark side of technological birth and reveals the agenda
behind it. Jeanice offers educational lectures, webinars, and
teacher trainings, as well as programs designed especially for men.
To learn more about her work,
please visit
To tune into the show and have the opportunity to ask Jeanice a
question during the second hour, go to
http://republicbroadcasting.org/listen-live/ and tune in via your
computer, or call 518-317-1069 to listen live.
Jeanice will also be one of the featured speakers at the upcoming
Free Your Mind conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania April 10-12,
2015. If anyone is within driving distance of Philadelphia, this is
a conference not to miss - truly! Here is the website to get more
http://freeyourmindconference.com/ and purchase tickets.
You can save $15 on a weekend pass by typing in Jeanice's last name.
Hope you get a chance to tune in on MONDAY. You'll be glad you did!
In the Spirit of Truth,
Ingri Cassel, director
Vaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
(208) 255-2307
Tune into "In Defense of Humanity" on
Saturday nights, 8-10 PM Eastern Time
at RepublicBroadcasting.com
“Free Your Mind....
From the Vaccine Paradigm”
“When we give government the power
to make medical decisions for us, we, in
essence, accept that the state owns our bodies.”
~U.S. Representative Ron Paul, MD
To begin your journey on learning about vaccines, the biomedical
paradigm and why the only truly informed choice
regarding vaccines is complete avoidance and refusal, we offer you
following weblink to well-footnoted articles and resources.