Yes, I'm guilty of all of the following infractions, errr... I mean qualities.
Let's see...
* Been bored. ALOT
* Taken risks? Sure
* Yes, I color outside the lines alot and enjoy breaking the crayons while doing so. Do the same with makeup.
* Yep, follow my heart in all things.
* Made so many mistakes and stopped counting eons ago.
* No one hates all the damn snitty ass rules, more than I do. And I was hated for it, and still am, for the most part.
Yeah, because there's more to life than the controlling rules and damn rat race. |
* Yes, independent work is the best, which is why I've always preferred the work at home with affiliate programs, data entry, do other odd jobs on the computer for different folks.
* Yep, I can change my mind in 3... 2... 1...
* Eccentric to a pain.
* Dream big? Hell yeah! Why do you think I found all this stuff such as NCR, ABC, AtlasPro, and other alternatives? Because I knew that somewhere, somehow that there was a better way. Even after being told that some things can not be changed.