Tuesday, October 27, 2015

[Vaccination-Liberation] Idaho seeks Ebola Coordinator

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare is seeking an Ebola Coordinator
Program Specialist.
The funding for this position comes from, can you guess??? yep, the CDC.
You know, the ones who own a patent on the vaccine.


Here is a YouTube discussing the possible reasons behind this position

This is just a little too close to home for me...

Thanks to Joan for alerting me to this 'news'.

In the Spirit of Truth,

Ingri Cassel, director
Vaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
(208) 255-2307


Tune into "In Defense of Humanity" on
Saturday nights, 8-10 PM Eastern Time
at RepublicBroadcasting.com

“Free Your Mind....
From the Vaccine Paradigm”

“When we give government the power
to make medical decisions for us, we, in
essence, accept that the state owns our bodies.”
~U.S. Representative Ron Paul, MD

To begin your journey on learning about vaccines, the biomedical
paradigm and why the only truly informed choice
regarding vaccines is complete avoidance and refusal, we offer you the
following weblink to well-footnoted articles and resources.

Your false flag fearmongering is getting old.  YAWN!

neuropathy , diabetes cure in 1 day - cost 4 cents/day

Published on 26 Sep 2013
June 9,2015 http://www.newsweek.com/staph-bacteria-may-be-trigger-type-2-diabetes-339190
Finally, proof that toxins cause diabetes.

new video that includes comments on retinopathy

Baking soda used to cure cancers

Here's a copy of my discharge from Active Diabetes program

I got this result without the use of metforim (or any of its ilk) or insulin

This video teaches how to get rid of toxins, thus curing diabetes.
Please donate to help get the word out
June 2, 2015 There has been no reply to my email to the director of Diabetes research. I guess I was wrong to think that the National http://humansarefree.com/2015/08/oncology-dr-cancer-is-fungus-and-it-can.html

Diabetes is a progressive disease, and the longer it takes to get relief, the more serious the associated diseases become - loss of eyesight, stroke, heart attacks, etc.
I need some help to allow me to spend the time to find out what alternative therapies exist

For instance, Tom Goodman and Ray Kurzweil have a treatment that does not include intermittent fasting, but still get results. Tom Goodman is a doctor in Colorado that has a track record of curing diabetes, but no on has heard of him.

If you would like to help me search out these effective alternatives to standard medicine , please donate to PayPal

April 13, 2015
Here is my letter to Andrew Bremer, program director of division of diabetes. Write and ask him if he is going to study this method of curing diabetes. His email is andrew.bremer@nih.gov

Dear Dr. Bremer

I am writing to you for several reasons.

First, I have discovered a method to cure type 2 diabetes, and I would want a scientifically validated investigation of this method, by a recognized authority of this subject.


So my question to you is going right to the point. Are you going to respond as all those other doctors?

You do not have to answer to me, but you may wish to respond to the diabetics that also write to you. I am going to include your email, so they can write and ask you directly.

March 26, 2015. My latest A1c reading is 6.1.You can be cured too.

February 16, 2015 here is link to article on toxins. alkaline water and intermittent fasting get rid of toxins.

here is a link talking about detox through chlorophyll

Here is a reference to the cure from Yale school of medicine.


Check out my video with an explanation and a cure that is working, without insulin and metformin.

October 23,2014 Keep coming back to see updates to video. Here is link to video talking how to cure diabetes.

Metformin makes neuropathy worse

Read about autophagy and diabetes, neuropathy

Sept. 3, 2014
See my video on my 2 day cure for neuropathy.

It was one thing thing to get out of bed in the morning and be free of the pins and needles feeling Another amazing thing is that how quickly you forget you ever had neuropathy. you are just doing everything you did before you had the neuropathy.

But now that I have been .taking this supplement to my regular diet, the neuropathy has now disappeared even when I am fasting, and this incredible feeling of well-being overtakes me.

alkaline water and this supplement is 10 cents a day.


The science behind alkaline water cure of diabetes, neuropathy

Here is a simple cure that worked for me. I used baking soda to turn my body alkaline. I lowered my blood sugar count by 80 points in one day. For some of you that is the same as being cured.Here is the mantra that helped me find the cure.
Jan 31, 2014 update http://youtu.be/B0l57wK0GYQ - how toxins cause diabetes, neuropathy, and cancer.

June 16, 2014 I now have healers that will help pray for you to get better. If you want the help of a healer, let me know.

If this video has helped you, please share this knowledge.

Chemtrail Subliminal Programming In Ads, Cartoons, Movies, etc...

Click out in new tab or window to see full sized Pics....

Excuse Me!   NOTHING beautiful about this!

I would just go back to bed.  Meh!

Disney's "Planes" 2013 Childrens Movie.

Over the Hedge, kids movie

Liberty Mutual Insurance TV Commercial

To brainwash the dumbed down sheeple to think that this is NORMAL.

I//We DO NOT Consent!   We Boycott all companies which use Chemtrail images in their ads!

To be honest, our local skies are not as bad as elsewhere,
 thanks to all the orgone and cloudbusters in our area alone.

If You Have Frontier Internet

A long long time ago like in the 90's and early 2000's when the internet was actually fun and simple.

Now it's all about selling a third-world country service at first-world pricing.

Exposing Frontier’s Bad Business

DNS hijacking and messing with the DNS Server....

Fraud and cheating

Before upgrading to faster speed, it worked great. Only an occasional problem.   Now it's fucking hell with constant DNS issues that NO ONE can fix, but yes, they do want to sell you something else. There is no such thing as "the spirit of excellence" anymore.  That has long left the building long before Elvis did.


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And the problem is not that particular website, it just happened to be the one I was on when I did the screen captures and copied the text.   It happens on ALL sites.

I'd like to move to a state where I can get a decent internet provider, without all this bullshit, so I can actually get some online work done in a timely manner.
