List for Katerina. Pro Health-Baboulas. http://healingtogether.org/
Here's your list dear. And here's what all I know, so far.
Note: I did restore a decayed divot on one of my back molars on the top. It was a divot and now it's grown over. I've used monosodium phosphate, minerals, liquid dentist, Vitamin D3 (we still have the Synergy sublinguals left), G5 organic silica, and organic sulfur. I've had some Cod Liver oil too, but not that much. So it's hard to tell which exact one did the trick, but probably the overall combination. But when I was scraping it with my fingernail, I noticed the dent was gone.
Note that it's more than just brushing and flossing. Our teeth need NUTRITION and energy to stay healthy.
Gerard Judd protocol:
* Vitamin C as in Sodium Ascorbate
Nutribiotic Sodium Ascorbate Powder, 2.2 Pound
Individual Product Listing: http://amzn.to/1Giif9n
Nutribiotic Sodium Ascorbate Powder, 5 Pound
Individual Product Listing: https://amzn.to/2MnhKHo
Nutribiotic - Sodium Ascorbate Buffered Crystalline Powder - 16 oz.
Individual Product Listing: http://ebay.to/1GiiRvN
* Monosodium Phosphate (Bulk)
Monosodium Phosphate Anhydrous 100% Food Grade
Individual Product Listing
* Gerard Judd book Good Teeth Birth To Death free online in PDF, etc...
* Damn aggravating java script on ScribD is in the way at bottom of page. I kill it temporarily with an extension to turn off and turn java back on via the same extension and it's gone temporarily.
Hard copy on Amazon... http://amzn.to/1GNUCWM
Weston A. Price:
* Green Pasture Blue Ice Royal Butter Oil Fermented Cod Liver Capsules x Factor
eBay Search
Entire Search Results: http://ebay.to/1CSdr9v
* Vitamin K2
Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex
Search Results: http://amzn.to/1FjD4Qg
Individual Product Listing: http://ebay.to/1NCQ2dU
* Vitamin D3
Biotics Research, Bio-D-Mulsion Forte 1 fl oz
Individual Product Listing: http://amzn.to/1HkNlfa
Other Supplements Needed:
* Bone Support from World Health Mall (WHM):
** Particularly the Bone Support Liquid for teeth.
Mix up a small amount (a pinch) of monosodium phosphate, a tad of Bio D Mulsion, tad of Liquid Bone Support and rub all over teeth at night before retiring.
* Bio-Dent from Standard Process (individual product link from Amazon}
* Parotid for saliva:
Standard Process - Parotid PMG on Amazon
Biotics Research - Cytozyme-Parotid™ (Parotid Concentrate) on Amazon
Amazon search results for parotid
Read article on Ruby's Emporium about parotid and tooth decay:
* Organic Sulfur
from Vaccination Liberation (Humbleweed.net)
Helpful in detoxification and rebuilding.
Also search for Cellular Matrix Study.
* Cell Tissue Salts
Calc phos and/or Calc fluor
Make sure Calc flour is NON halogen. If so, skip and use Calc phos instead.
* I don't know that much about them, to be honest. But here is one site about them. I've read the above two are what is needed for teeth.
Tooth Soap or Equivalent.
I use Miracle II Soap with a few drops of Clove, Spearmint, or Peppermint Essential Oil by Young Living
Read Gerard Judd's book above to find out why to never use toothpaste with glycerin or fluoride.
Mouthwash I now use is Uncle Harry's Miracle Mouthwash. I had used Oxysilver but just get Colloidal Silver made by an individual now, to keep excess bacteria down. If I have a toothache or it feels like an infection coming on, I will swish with 100 proof vodka mixed with water and essential oils of Thieves, Cinnamon Bark, Peppermint, etc...
I spit the vodka out of course, but it will relieve it fast. Swishing with warm salt water helps too.
* Oil pulling. Most people use Virgin Coconut oil for oil pulling. Most swish around 10 or 20 minutes and spit out. You don't want to swallow that, it's pulling out the toxins, so please spit that mess out.I have tried the Lemon Cod Liver Oil by Carlson to do oil pulling. Cod liver oil is great for teeth rebuilding.
Overall Minerals I use are usually one of these three.
I alternative from time to time:
* Youngevity | Tangy Tangerine
* and/or IntraMIN®
* Hylands Cell Salts minerals
* Bug Killers:
* Ozone
* Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
* Collodial Silver, We have ours made by an individual now, but the colloidial silver from Herbal Healer Academy is a strong.silver.
* Bio electric Technologies
PAP-IMI (See below)
Zappers (provided one isn't full of nano, since electricity charges nano up and causes it to proliferate, as Tony Pantalleresco and Michael Chapala has posted.
Frequency generators
* Can swish with vodka, mouthwash, etc... (See Hygiene above)
* Lasers, Ultrasounds & other healing devices/therapies for teeth:
Pulsed Ultrasound Tooth Regeneration
http://lipus.org/ (archive site, original site was taken down)
Exogen Lipus Device: http://www.exogen.com/
* You could look on Craigslist for the Exogen, but be careful. If you find one, ask to meet in crowded public place.
They only have so many uses, and then they die unfortunately. It SOOOO damn wrong that a company can make these devices with such planned obsolescence (ie they are designed to fail solely so the manufacturer can make more money) without concern for the environment or waste. Assholes! Also the technology is simple and has been around for a long time, they probably cost around $50 to manufacture, I don't know why there are not more brands on the market as it appears to be a monopoly. Find one where the specs match LIPUS. It would need 1.5 MHz frequency pulses, with a pulse width of 200 µs, repeated at 1 kHz, at an intensity of 30 mW/cm2
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-intensity_pulsed_ultrasound
Smith & Nephew EXOGEN 4000+ Ultrasound Bone Healing System - Amazon
Earlier Reports on PAP-IMI from Panos Pappas site (web archives)
Miracle Teeth Cavity Elimination
The third report by Dr. P.T.P concerns rotten teeth regrowth and osteal teeth strengthening.
This finding explains why for the last 16 years I never saw a dentist. Although before using PAP IMI, I was visiting the dentist once and twice a year. Since applying PAP IMI I don't need a dentist any more.
My initial motivation to develop PAP IMI relates to this unique phenomenon of my teeth strengthening. I was doing research on Lightning Protection (relevant patent holder) and on Atmospheric Electricity. It happened then, several times, while studying the Lightning literature regarding the medical beneficial effects of the lightning fall to bystanders. I noticed that these reports had gone unnoticed by the medical community and its literature. I was strongly impressed though by a repot about third generation regrowth of teeth to people standing by or near the place where the lightning had fallen.
This report initiated my research on the Electromagnetic beneficial effects of strong currents, that were running close, but not of course through the body.
However, while developing PAP IMI, never had I expected that my research would lead me to simulate with the PAP IMI device the beneficial medical effects of lightning. And it was Mrs. Anderson report that leads me to believe and look for this type of effects.
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We invite all investigators to get in touch with us. The sooner the better.
This is a unique world wide breakthrough report.
To see report by Mrs. Anderson, click here.
Teeth Re-Growth Report
* this list will be added to as I get the exact links to all the devices from Katerina that are specific to teeth.
Cellular Matrix Study