Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Karen Meme

Because we've been hearing and seeing all this Karen talk, so we had to look it up.

"Karen" is a pejorative term for a woman perceived to be self-entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is considered appropriate or necessary, especially in public settings such as retail stores and restaurants.








Karens are also CONtact Traitors...

'Contact Tracing' Jobs Create Terrifying Army of Karens

From Jim Stone Freelance...

Here is a video that proves you are going to need it to avoid being "contact traced" - which could easily destroy your life

Oh gosh, look at the woman who's a snitch in that video. Look familiar?

NPC with the Karen haircut


From Jim Stone Freelance...







Karens are those bossy neighborhood snitches, you know the ones we grew up with.  Those tattling bratty kind.  The gossiping busybodies with nothing better to do than to make your life miserable.

And I need to speak with my family members who several have these ugly haircuts too.


Backwards Logic

This is how backwards everything is these days.

Some memes...


Any ideas as to why?







Cameraman just yelled: "6 FEET APART GUYS!". REALLY??!!! Oh, but please practice social distancing and wear masks while you Soros paid Antifa thugs burn down American cities. REALLY???!!!!!





But never mind the fact that buildings are burning down?!? Oh yeah, THAT same guy who announced that the rioters need to wear masks and practice social distancing while they burn the city down.

They have a good excuse for the 2nd wave now.  It was protestors fault.

How much more obvious can this all be? Like last week the Minnesota mayor telling the rioters to social distance and wear their masks while burning down the city. Never mind the fact that the city was burning down.

The Daily Messenger: Riots and the dark road ahead

The Daily Messenger: Riots and the dark road ahead: As you can now see, the people behind all this rioting and blm stuff, are satanists. I would think the satanic pics of the leaders of this thing shifting into demonic nephilim mode would be enough. But also, even if we didn't have that, there is the message, the meme, and what their goals are is more than enough to reveal Luciferic doctrine. ...

By their fruits ye shall know them.
Matthew 7:20
“Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”

“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged before the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater One with us than with him."

There is a solution and an answer to the above. Stand with Yeshua and YHVH. The true ruler of this world and all that is within it. He will fight our battles, provide our succor, protect us against the fiery arrows of hate and discord. He will slap down the spirit of demonic rebellion and put them under our boot. Trust in the Most High. As many have done before us.
