Monday, February 6, 2012

MONSANTO: Poisoning the world in the name of junk science and profit

The appointment of former Monsanto VP, Michael Taylor, to head the FDA is such an extreme disappointment.

Taylor is the same person who was Food Safety Czar at the FDA when genetically modified organisms were allowed into the U.S. food supply without undergoing a single test to determine their safety or risks.

Moreover, Monsanto is culpable in numerous cases of simply poisoning the earth and causing entire towns to become sick and die.

I thought a great follow-up to this morning's video would be a movie that exposes just how much trouble we, AND OUR FOOD SUPPLY, are in.

So here it is in full-length, The World According to Monsanto...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and videos with friends and colleagues.

That's how we grow. Thanks.

Brasscheck TV
2380 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94115

Old High School & Band Pics

Yes, we were band geeks. These are mostly the band, but some are other high school activites.

We made The Greatest Band In Dixie 1975 in New Orleans.,1647424&h=e9606

These are pics of my sisters and I, and some other band members. You'll have to click out on some of them to view full size...

Pep Band Cropped

The Greatest Band in Dixie - 1975
Coosa Eagles High School Marching Band 1974-1975








I was in the front row on the right...

Oh, I just loved her! We had so much fun on the band trips and in the band!

Okay, I had already graduated, but I still had sisters in the band...

I've always wanted to be a drum majorette, but never got to. However, this lucky gal got to be one. This is a different band and high school, btw, because she had moved to a different school. I had already graduated at that time.

100 Compiled Studies on Vaccine Dangers

Not sure if this is a duplicate or not but it is a great compilation of med journal articles.

100 Compiled Studies on Vaccine Dangers

List of vaccine ingredients. Also scroll down and check out ALL the ingredients listed in the CDC's Pink Book via the PDF files...

Rebecca Carley, MD said...

This morning (9/13), a minion from the Institute of Medicine appeared on C Span's Washington Journal to discuss the report they have come out with admitting a few adverse events from vaccines, yet denying the fact that vaccines are biological weapons that cause a corruption in the immune system leading to all autoimmune diseases, non-traumatic seizures, cancer & genetic damage, in people & in pets.

I miraculously was the last caller on the show, & suggested listeners go to, and oreder the book "History& Pathology of vaccines" written by Edgar Crookshank in 1889, and republished by Patrick Jordan in 2009. They know EXACTLY what they are doing; causing diseases that Big Pharma then make billions on by making drugs to "manage" the diseases. THIS IS GENOCIDE.

There are natural therapies to reverse all diseases which I did not learn about in medical school, which is why Codex is being promoted by the traitors in the district of crimials to keep their Big Pharma madams in business.

Check out the article "Science of Vaccine Damage" on See what 19 non-pharma funded researchers found re: what vaccines do. Your life is at stake. Your children & pet's lives are at stake. JUST SAY NO!

Rebecca Carley, MD
Court Qualified Expert in Vaccine Induced Diseases
September 13, 2011 6:05 PM

VT working to eliminate Philosophical Exemptions

Get the exemptions while you still can...

Daycare, Childcare & Preschool:

[PDF] Childcare Immunization Exemption Form

School age children:

*There are several links. They look slightly different, but have the same information.

Vermont School Immunization Exemption Form2.8

[PDF] School Immunization Exemption Form - Vermont Department of Health

[PDF] School Immunization Exemption Form - Vermont Department of Health


College & Universities:

[PDF] Exemption Form - University of Vermont

PDF] IMMUNIZATION EXEMPTION FORM (Specific for Middlebury College)

Vaccination Liberation Exemptions

Vaccination Liberation Exemptions

Monsanto Forced Out of UK by Activists

Where are our USA activists???

Most people in the US are satisfied with their lives and don't really want to know the truth. After all, it might make them question their reality, and knock them a bit out of their comfort zones. Thanks to the fluoride in the water supplies, most people are docile and are just bunch of pussies.

These satanic cretins are killing us in large numbers here daily by various methods. The global plagues are here & killing us slowly (some fast), but the majority are distracted by their pastimes, passions, pleasures, and psycho-sensory overload and are completely unaware of the biological dangers looming in the shadows of the world today.

Thankfully, some are awake, but not near enough to make a big difference. We need some younger folks to step up to the plate and help out. We older folks are getting burned out pretty fast day in and day out with activism.