I had recently read in a post that when you're in the emergency room you should be careful about what you sign because there can be a sentence in there with the word Biologics that means they can administer whatever they want to you a.k.a. vaccines. Today I took my son to Cooper University Hospital for a specialist appointment. Ears nose and throat to be exact. At this appointment they never handed me any forms to fill out they did it all by computer and there was this little electronic pad in front of me similar to a credit card or a debit card pad where they ask for your signature at the end. The two forms they wanted me to sign were the "Hipaa" form and a "consent to treat" form. I sign my name twice but you don't see what you are signing now; just the electronic pad. HIPAA, I understand I've taken courses in HIPAA. I worked for Quest Diagnostics as a phlebotomist and in the lab for years. But, I said "I'm sorry what's the 1st signature for again" she answered "consent to treat" so I said can you print me out a copy of that please, I would very much like to see what I signed. For one reason or another, I still don't understand why but she couldn't print out a copy of the "consent to release" form that I signed I asked her if she could please get somebody that could. It's took three different girls to try to print out this form they could not do it. long story short her supervisor gets me a hard copy from in the drawer that's blank to let me read what I just signed. Low and behold as you can see from the 2 pics I took, highlighted in blue on the second sentences down is the right for them to administer vaccines! I was so ticked off! They now have people typing in your information, and forms you cannot see, and they're asking you for signatures, and you don't know what you're signing.

Click out the pictures in a new tab to see full sized.
Beware of anything and everything that requires a signature.