Tonight’s episode will reveal what Autism and Heart Disease have in common. And how it fits into the Vaccine Story.
See why Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. Senior Scientist at MIT, makes this startling statement @ 1:54:40.
“It’s very disturbing where we are headed right now - and I see no end in sight.”
We’ll be delving deeper into the flu vaccine specifically. The independent voices you’ll be learning from in episode 5 are willing to stand up against the so-called science of our modern flu vaccine dogma.
These experts purely feel the need to communicate the dangers of the flu vaccines to the public so that people have better information, real information to prevent vaccine injuries.
In spite of being told that the flu vaccine in particular is perfectly safe - (hey, we’re even told it’s safe for pregnant moms, infants and the elderly) - turns out it's probably not so “safe”. The flu vaccine contains toxic amounts of mercury.
We’ve been lied to by the media
… -stating over and over again that mercury was removed from all vaccines. That’s simply not true.
The flu vaccine still contains mercury - an extremely toxic heavy metal.
You will have the delight of hearing from Sayer Ji again, and finally - Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D.
In addition to the toxicity of mercury - you’ll hear from Stephanie about how toxic aluminum is to us - especially our precious small children.
These, and other serious toxins in our vaccines are causing great grief in families - right now.
The findings on the “adverse events” findings on Gardasil will have you shaking your head in disbelief.
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P.S. Want to end vaccine mandates? Then let's help everyone understand why vaccines are dangerous by helping us get the word out! Become an affiliate for Vaccines Revealed.
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